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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 238

Standing below the cliff, right on the stone square, Master Yuan threw a dozen or more array flags up into the air. As a consequence, the six stone pillars quavered as did their surroundings.

"They're the array's pulsations!"

Seeing this, everyone present grew excited. They had been hoping that this would be the case, including the two diabolic beasts. With a feverish anticipation, all eyes were now pinned at Master Yuan and his next movement.

Austin was surprised too. Although there were six stone pillars on the stone square that hinted at there being an array, there wasn't a single trace seconding this hunch. But when Master Yuan hurled the array flags, the traces began to reveal themselves. How wonderful an array expert's skill is!

No wonder Master Yuan was just an Earth Realm cultivator, weak in vital energy, the Medicine Sect still needed to ask him for help by offering a substantial reward in return.

Looking around, there were so many incredibly talented people in different fields doing their bit all over the world. As was Master Yuan. In fact, right now, without Master Yuan's array skill, the Medicine Sect people and the two diabolical beasts would have had hard time finding out an array hidden in the six stone pillars even if they went to great lengths.

So Master Yuan's discovery was like an animal finding a source of water in the forest. Much needed and cooling! Relief was clear on the crowd's face but Master Yuan, who was dressed from head to toe in a grey garb, was serious, not betraying a single emotion.

"At the entrance of the Cloud Cave, a level five array can be found. How extraordinary!"


The superiority of the array was a blow to their morale and a trigger for a hundred questions in their mind.

How was a level-five array even conceived? Logically, such a powerful array could only be set up by an array expert of the same degree.

It was common to meet a level one and a level two array expert. Level three array experts, like Master Yuan, not only enjoyed great reputation for being so accomplished but were coveted by the major forces in the cultivators' world.

And level four array experts… they were grand masters of the field and naturally, so precious that only a handful of the greatest sects in the world could afford to invite them.

Now when it came to the level five array expert. They were superior above the others. Superlative in their skills and such a rare breed that most ordinary cultivators would never even meet an array master of this stature in their entire lives.

The protecting array of the Cloud Cave, to everyone's dismay, was a level-five. It was an unsaid thing that it would take a prodigy to break it.

"No wonder even after working for about half a year on this, I have made zero progress on the six stone pillars. Damn it! I didn't expect it to be a level-five array."

the three-eyed scarlet bull exclaimed in agitation.

"If the defense of the Cloud Cave is really a level-five array, it means that, Master Yuan, there is no chance that we'd be able to break the array, not even with your skills, right?"

the Chief Elder of the Medicine Sect asked, with a hint of disappointment in his voice.


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