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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2401

The strongest evil creatures in the team were equivalent to a cultivator at the Immortal Transforming Realm.

All the team members looked young.

In fact, the group of evil creatures were mostly comprised of the elites from the Third Demonic World. After getting the information that Austin was in possession of an omnipotent herb, they volunteered to look for him.

Austin had already become famous in the Third Demonic World of the Evil Abyss World.

In the past, Austin had defeated ten young strong evil creatures in the Astral World. When the news reached the Third Demonic World, he was instantly famous and attracted the attention of every young evil creature there.

Not long after, Austin struck again. When the troops of the Third Demonic World attacked the Immortal End World, Austin slaughtered several million evil creatures single handedly.

The news caused a sensation through the Third Demonic World.

It was safe to say that almost everyone in the Third Demonic World knew Austin.

So when they heard about Austin's presence in the Ancient Forbidden Land, the young evil creatures from the Third Demonic World couldn't resist the temptation to confront him.

They all went out, each of them hoping they would kill Austin.

Moreover, Austin had one of the three sacred weapons from the Evil Abyss World—the Diabolic Killing Needle.

If they could take Austin down and bring the Diabolic Killing Needle back, it would definitely be a great achievement.

Perhaps they would rise to fame and gain the favor of Devil Ancestor Bale who ruled the Third Demonic World.

The temptation was too much, there was no way the capable young evil creatures would miss such a great opportunity.

"Let's split up. That way, our odds of finding Austin will increase,"

a young evil creature suggested.

"I heard that Austin guy is really something. Moreover, his demonic avatar is terrifyingly powerful.

We'd better be careful and stay together so that we can look after each other then,"

another timid young evil creature said.

"Humph! In my opinion, Austin is not as powerful as he is thought to be. It is all a myth.

The Immortal End World is just a small weak world that had been cut off for many years. It lacks energy and rules.

I don't think a creature from the useless world would be as strong as everyone says Austin is.

Just watch me. Once I meet Austin, I will slay him!"

sneered a young evil creature that was over ten meters tall.

He had thick red hair that was rolled up towards the sky, which resembled flames burning from his head burning into the sky. There were intimidating spike like thorns all over his body that had an intimidating metallic luster. He looked confident.

The young evil creature was very famous among the younger generation of the evil creatures from the Third Demonic World since he was considered a young genius.


Neil, I have faith in you. It is just child's play for you to finish off that Austin guy!"

Several evil creatures standing nearby fawned on Neil.

They treated him like a demigod because he was related to a grand leader in the Third Demonic World and he came from a prestigious background.

The evil creatures also saw him as their leader.

"Austin from the Immortal End World, where are you? Get yourself over here and kneel before me!"

Neil roared loudly.

Although he spoke softly, with the aid of the evil energy, his voice could be heard from miles away.

"Ha-ha... I think you must have scared him away!

I don't think Austin would dare come out after hearing your powerful voice.

He must be running for his dear life right now," another evil creature said.

He and other evil creatures burst into laughter.

However, right at that moment, a cold voice cut their merry laughter short, as it suddenly sounded through the place.

"Do you think you can scare me so easily for me to run away, you losers?

Humph! Who put such a ridiculous idea in your minds?"

A young man belonging to the human race appeared not far away from where the young evil creatures were standing. He slowly walked up to them with a composed look on his face.

All of a sudden, all the evil creatures were stunned. They stared at Austin blankly.

"Are you Austin Lin? You don't look as formidable as everyone says,"

Neil stated.

He couldn't believe that he had lured Austin out with his challenging words.

"Yes, I am Austin Lin from the Immortal End World,"

Austin replied with a sneer not even bothering to acknowledge Neil's demeaning remarks.

The most powerful ones among these evil creatures were only equivalent to the cultivators of the Immortal Transforming Realm in the Immortal End World. Austin could wipe out the team effortlessly.

Moreover, he was more interested in finishing them off very fast because they could provide energy for the Diabolic Killing Needle.

There was no way Austin would let them go.

After making sure that the young man was Austin, Neil burst into laughter.

"Great! This is great!

What a stroke of luck! Now that you're here, I don't need to waste time looking for you,"


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