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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2417

The white-haired old man, who was enveloped by an immortal light, looked at them coldly, with his eyes getting more cold-blooded by every second.

Vaguely, a terrible pressure, just like that of a rumbling tidal wave, hovered Austin and his fellows.

Upon sensing it, their faces suddenly grimaced.

'It is said that although the omnipotent herbs are of a high level, their fighting power is not really that impressively strong.

Is it true, or is it just a rumor?'

Austin, Kelsey, and Elsie plucked up the courage to come here with the omnipotent herb, underestimating their effectiveness and power.

But the power this old man exhibited was otherwise.

The three felt like they were carrying an extremely massive weight on their back and were almost out of breath.

Elsie was the weakest among the three, trembling under such pressure that she could not even stand firmly.

If it came to a fight, they might not be a match to the white-haired old man.

"You have a familiar scent.

Are you from the Immortal End World?"

the old man asked in quite a surprise, his bright eyes intently staring at Austin.

As he spoke, the tense atmosphere eased a little.

"Sir, I do come from the Immortal End World,"

Austin uttered, quite stunned.

"I sensed an old friend's aura from you," said the old man.

Then he waved his hand, and a bleak aura filled the air.

Wherever it passed, the plants around him also withered a bit in an instant.

"The infinite aura!

Is your old friend the infinity beast?"

Austin narrowed his eyes and exclaimed.

"That's right.

It seems that you have indeed seen her before.

I haven't seen her for nearly a thousand years!

I'm wondering if she is okay now,"

the old man asked with a reminiscing look as if he was talking about an old acquaintance.

It turned out that the infinity beast and this omnipotent herb were friends.

'What a small world!' Austin exclaimed internally.

"The infinity beast is dead."

Austin then narrated everything about the infinity and little infinity beast.

"I only knew that she entered the Immortal End World, but I didn't expect that she died there. I guess life is full of surprises,"

the white-haired elder replied with a sigh.

"Ask the little infinity beast to come out. I'll see if I can cure it,"

he added, prompting Austin to do it immediately.


Austin was utterly overjoyed to hear that. So, using his mind, he teleported the little infinity beast out of the Slave Tower.

Since the beast had been injured in the South Mountain on the Divine Continent, it had been in a state of deep sleep in the Slave Tower.

After all, it had not been long since it was hatched. In order to save Austin, it had to take the attacks of the four ultimate magical treasures and fifteen masters at the Heavenly Grotto Realm. And since it was not strong yet at that time, it had been severely injured.

Austin had tried every means to cure it, but he had not been able to bring it back from under.


After quite a moment, the ball-like body of the little infinity beast materialized in front of Austin.

"It is indeed the cub of the infinity beast!"

the white-haired old man uttered excitingly.

Of course, his hostility towards Austin and the two others had disappeared.

Kelsey and Elsie breathed a sigh of relief upon knowing this.

The white-haired old man had shown his horrifying strength. If the three of them fought against him, they would be no match for him at all.

Besides, this small world should be the lair of an omnipotent herb clan. The old man must have a lot of backers and supporters here, making it even more difficult for them to get away if things got really intense.

The white-haired old man waved his hand to draw the little infinity beast into his hand, gently stroking it as if it was a new-born baby.

"You guys stay here for a while.

I'll see if I can heal and restore its health,"

the white-haired old man said to Austin.

Then he quickly moved and vanished into thin air.

"Humph, you are fortunate that you know the good friend of our supreme grandmaster!

Otherwise, the three of you will definitely not get out of here––alive!"

Rosie glared at Austin while spitting those words.

"It seems to me that you are deceiving us intentionally to come here and so that your supreme grandmaster can kill us!"

Austin retorted suddenly, getting hold of the entire situation.

"Of course! You bullied me first,"

Rosie said with a cunning smile.

"I set a spell on you. Aren't you afraid that I might kill you with it?"

Austin asked curiously, returning a smug smile.

"Your tricks are nothing to my supreme grandmaster.



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