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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 242

When the five masters of the Mysterious Realm were fighting with each other, the disciples of the Medicine Sect flocked to the garden.

Watching the masters attacking each other with such ferocity instilled a great fear within the onlooking disciples. The five masters were airborne, flying back and forth and putting their brilliant martial art skills to good use. Great volumes of vital energy force were released as the masters fought, each attack generating a power that seemed to be able to destroy the whole world.

The disciples of the Medicine Sect wanted to help, but they knew that their joining the fight would make no sense. In such a battle, more people didn't necessarily mean a greater possibility of winning. There was an impassable gulf that separated the Mysterious Realm from the Earth and Energy Gathering Realms. A warrior who was of the Mysterious Realm could easily kill dozens of Earth Realm warriors.

Austin was also dumbstruck. The battle helped him realize that he was too weak to face the masters of the Mysterious Realm. His cultivation base was way too inferior to theirs.

Austin had been watching the battle for a while, awestruck, when it occurred to him that he could grasp the chance to search for any hidden treasure here rather than just standing here and watching the masters fight with each other.

Once the masters stopped fighting, he wouldn't have a chance to search.

'Just enjoy the battle to the fullest, masters. It's a heaven-sent opportunity for me!' Austin thought.

Austin stealthily moved away from the Medicine Sect's disciples. Using his Wind-commanding Skill, he shifted himself 20 meters forward in each go. After several uses of the Skill, he was at the end of the garden corridor.

Austin was about to disappear around the end, when the Purple Flaming Lion King and the three-eyed scarlet bull discovered him at the same time.

Austin disguised himself as a disciple of the Medicine Sect and the two diabolic beasts took offence as they saw him. The Purple Flaming Lion King put up his right paw and sent a purple fireball at Austin.

The three-eyed scarlet bull blinked his middle eye, causing a ray of laser-like blood-red light to shoot at Austin.

Looking at Austin's back, three warriors of the Medicine Sect who were of the Mysterious Realm, mistakenly identified him as a disciple of their Sect. It made them happy to see that one of their disciples was so clever that he was looking to grab the chance to retrieve the treasures.

These three warriors wanted to help Austin against the Purple Flaming Lion King and the three-eyed scarlet bull, but it was too late.

Austin sensed through his superior spiritual abilities that there was something special going on behind him. It shocked him to know that the two diabolic beasts were trying to attack him.


There was a loud sound as the Purple Flaming Lion King's purple fireball and the three-eyed scarlet bull's blood red light came crashing at the ground just a meter behind Austin. Soil splashing and ground cracking, the two forces had created a deep hole that was several meters deep.

The violent shock wave of vital energy force caused Austin to be thrown forward like a bullet shooting out of a gun. In the blink of an eye, he had disappeared around the end of the garden corridor.

Such a pity.

The three masters of the Medicine Sect who were of the Mysterious Realm shook their heads in regret. In their opinion, Austin's intelligence hadn't been able to help him escape from the coordinated attack launched at him by the two beasts.

They thought, 'It is a pity for the Medicine Sect to lose such a clever disciple. If our Sect had got the chance to train him well, he may have become an outstanding pupil—great even. But he was no match for the two beasts. Pity that they killed him!'

"What are you doing here, standing like useless trashes? Go to search for treasures now!"

Elder Guan thundered at the onlooking disciples in the garden, angry at their lethargy.

What a group of idiots!

If these hundreds of disciples were smart enough to swarm in simultaneously, that the two diabolic beasts united in attacking them could only kill a part of them. That way, a number of disciples could go deep into the cave and search for the treasures.

"Humans are truly cunning. All of them should meet their deaths," the beasts thought.

As a break in the fighting emerged, they attacked the disciples of the Medicine Sect by using innumerable purple fireballs and rays of blood-red light. Nearly every disciple of the Medicine Sect was hit. Broken limbs were sent flying and the smell of blood was everywhere.

The beasts' attacks blocked the road that led deep into the cave.

The three Elders' faces turned deathly pale as they saw so many of the Medicine Sect's disciples being killed. The beasts had excellent fighting capacities. They could fight with the masters who were of the Mysterious Realm while attacking the Medicine Sect's disciples, not breaking a sweat. . . .

'Phew! Those two diabolic beasts were remarkable!

Almost got me!'

Deep in the garden, a man was moving forward with remarkable speed in a long corridor. That man was Austin.

His clothes were torn, exposing the horribly burnt skin on his back.

His hair was burnt terribly too. The acrid smell of roasted meat spread in the air.

'If I ran slower, I'd probably end up as a roast pig!'

Austin cursed as he ran forward, quickening his pace.

When the purple fireball and the ray of blood-red light nearly seared his back off, Austin had sensed his surroundings through his spiritual sense and knew what was going on. Bringing his vital energy force into play, he employed his Wind-commanding Skill to help him run away at the highest speed, allowing him to move 20 meters ahead at a time.

The after winds of the vital energy force were still having an effect on him, but Austin's body had become stronger after learning the Overlord Body-refining Formula. His body had become much stronger when compared with ordinary warriors', helping him escape from the attack of the two Mysterious Realm masters.


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