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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2458

"Real immortal energy?" Austin echoed, stunned.

"Yes, real immortal energy.

People in your world are pretty ridiculous.

None of you are actually immortal, but you all like using the word 'immortal' to describe your vital energy realm to make yourselves feel good.

Semi-immortal Realm, Immortal Realm, Immortal King Realm, and blah blah blah.

How absurd!

If you were actually able to form a few streaks of real immortal energy, you would be able to dominate this whole universe,"

the supreme holy tree sneered.

Its words surprised Austin.

After giving it some thought, he realized that what the tree said made sense.

'I have reached the Immortal Transforming Realm, but I know nothing about immortal energy, let alone about being an immortal.

Yes, I can match a master of the Immortal King Realm.

But people at that realm are weaker than I thought.

I thought that once we reached the Immortal Realm, we would be powerful beyond description.

But it turns out that I was wrong about that.

Those who have reached the Semi-immortal Realm, Immortal Realm, or Immortal King Realm are far from being true immortal, ' Austin thought to himself.

Then, he looked at the supreme holy tree and asked, "Where on earth are you from? Are you from that legendary Divine Land?"

He had already asked this question before, but he couldn't help himself.

"Ahem! Boy, I don't want to waste time talking to you about this anymore. There is no need for you to know anything more for the time being. You're too weak.

If you don't have anything to do, I suggest that you cultivate here for now.

Try to feel the laws of nature in this cave.

If you can comprehend them, you will benefit a lot.

Oh, by the way, that old bastard has a really firm grasp of both space and time.

I'll ask Faran and Corey if there is a cultivation room in this cave where time passes faster. If there is such a room, I will try and borrow it for you,"

the supreme holy tree said to Austin patiently.

Then, it made its way toward the pavilion.

Since it was much taller than the pavilion, it shrank until it was small enough to enter it.

'A practice room where time passes faster?'

Austin didn't understand what the supreme holy tree had just said.

He had never heard about such a room before.

Inside the pavilion, the supreme holy tree inquired with the two old men about the existence of such a secret room. At first, the two men lied and said that there was no such room in the cave. But the tree kept pestering them until they finally admitted that such a room did exist.

According to the two old men, the owner of this cave had designed and built that time chamber when he was bored and had nothing to do.

The supreme holy tree squeezed out two small vials of its essence. Then, it proposed to trade its essence for borrowing that special room.

Taking the vials of essence from the tree, the two old men reluctantly agreed to let Austin enter the secret room where time passed by faster.

"I'm going to take Master Jude with me,"

Austin said.

"There's only one such room. You can take as many people as you want as long as you don't feel too crowded,"

the old man in white said impatiently as he rolled his eyes.

"Thirty years inside this time chamber is equivalent to one day outside it.

Moreover, there is an array inside which connects it to the outside.

You can break through the Heavenly Doom inside it,"

the old man in black said to Austin with a smile.

Austin and Jude were dumbstruck after hearing this.

'That room is extraordinary!' they thought in their hearts.

As the old man in black waved his sleeve, a force rushed out and wrapped Austin and Jude. Then, it threw them into the depths of the cave.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Austin and Jude turned into two beams of light against their will. In the blink of an eye, they found themselves in a secret chamber.

'When one spends thirty years in this secret room, only a day would have passed by outside?'

Thinking of the old man's words, both Austin and Jude were shocked.

It took them a long time to calm down and believe the truth.

"Master Jude, I don't think they would lie to us.

Since we have such a good opportunity, we should make the most of it. Let's hurry up and cultivate in this time chamber,"

Austin said to Jude.


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