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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2474

There had been a brief moment of panic when the warship was drained of power, but after hearing Caroline and Elder Cliff's words, all the people on the warship gradually calmed down.

All these people were elites from big and influential sects in the Immortal End World, and they were both capable and proud.

"That's right.

Since things have come to this, let's go and fight with those demons. The only way they'll lay a finger on our bodies is if we're dead!"

"Those bastards are our mortal enemies. We're not scared of them. And there's no way we'll beg for mercy.

Let's try our best and die fighting against them!"

"Yes! Even if we die, we won't disgrace our families and our sects. They will be proud of us!"

A resolute expression settled upon most of their faces.

At this time, Elder Cliff, who had been silent so far, finally spoke up.

"All right, everyone, listen to my plan!"

They all stopped talking and turned to him.

"Now, I only have a few crystals left.

I'm going to put all these crystals into the warship and try to open a path for us so that we can all get out of here.

But here's the catch: these crystals will only power the warship for a few moments. After that, it will stop running.

Everyone should leave the warship as soon as possible and escape with your own strength.

I have already sent a distress signal to the Immortal End World via this warship's information system before.

I believe that Elder Kevin would have ordered people to come and rescue us if he received the signal.

Remember, reserve your strength. Escape from here if you can. Do not fight with those demons if it's not necessary.

Do you understand?"

said Elder Cliff, slowly glancing at everyone.

As the person in charge of this trial, he had the responsibility to protect all of them.

"Got it!"

they answered, nodding with a serious and decisive look on their faces.

Everyone knew that the time for a fierce battle was almost here.

Outside the warship...

"We've finally besieged those fools from the Immortal End World!"

"Everyone, get ready. Let's go hunt those lowly creatures hiding in the ship!"


Let's see who can kill most of those filthy bastards."

"Ha, as if there's any doubt that I'll be the one who kills most of them by the end of this day!"

"How dare you talk big like that? Didn't you see Mr. Derek? He will surely be the champion!"

Many young demon nobles were itching to have a go at their prey.

At that time...


The warship carrying the troops of Immortal End World suddenly jerked forward at a high speed.

At the same time, ten crystal cannons were fired furiously.

Many of the demons near the ship failed to avoid the cannons and were smashed into pieces.

Their screams echoed throughout the silent area.

As for the warship, it continued to move as fast as lightning, leaving a trail of blood in its wake.


Austin, who was dozens of miles away, was caught by surprise when he sensed what was happening.

He cast a spell to speed up the warship, which suddenly made a detour and moved forward.


What the hell is going on? How can that warship be so powerful?!

We have been chasing it for so many days and nights, but it escaped again!"

The demons were growing more and more impatient and desperate.

"What are you waiting for? Go and get the warship!

We can't let them escape again!"

an old demon standing beside Derek shouted stoutly.

Immediately, a war cry sounded, and the rest of the demons rushed forward, following his order.


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