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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2495

"Austin, the strength of our world has dramatically improved recently.

However, compared to the other worlds in this universe, our Immortal End World is still relatively weaker.

Only Night Immortal King, Zenith, and I are at the Immortal King Realm. Well, we could count you in when it comes to combat power. Still, there are just four of us. Four is quite a small number, you know.

Think about other worlds. They have dozens or even hundreds of immortal kings.

Not to mention, they also have masters who are at the Immortal Saint Realm. None can be found in our world!

There are even sect ancestors in the other worlds. Compared to them, we are too weak. Our Immortal End World won't stand a chance when war breaks out,"

Kevin informed. His tone was filled with anxiety and worry.

The Immortal Saint Realm was one level higher than the Immortal King Realm.

A master at the Immortal Saint Realm was the equal of a grand leader in the demonic world.

"I'm only saying this because if we choose to open our world to the outside, we might encounter troubles beyond our capacity.

Yes, we have been consistently progressing, but we are still weak in military forces. Creatures from other worlds might stir a ruckus if they were allowed in and out of our world,"

Kevin added with so much concern.

He was just reasonable, recognizing that the Immortal End World was still relatively weak. If several masters at the Immortal King Realm came, they could be domineering and rule the world on their own.

"Ha-ha! Don't worry, sir. I know what we will face, and I have plans for that,"

Austin said with confidence, not even the least worried.


Kevin was surprised at his reply. He even turned to take a look at Austin to see if the young man was serious.

"Sir, this way, please," said Austin.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a teleportation altar materialized before them.

Hesitant, Kevin followed Austin and stood on the altar.

The next moment, something baffling happened.

They were teleported to the starry sky near the Immortal End World.

Austin began muttering spells under his breath.

Suddenly, a gush of strong winds surged.

The stars started to shake!

Huge figures constantly broke out of the Slave Tower and appeared in the starry sky.

In just a flash, eight massive beasts and more than a hundred thousand monsters scattered in this starry sky.

A savage aura filled the starry sky. They seemed to come from the ancient eras.

They were Austin's beast army!

The eight giant beasts and hundreds of thousands of monsters stood orderly in a line in front of Austin.

Each of them lowered their heads and tamely gazed at their master––Austin.

"Austin, these…

Wow! These giant beasts are extremely powerful.

They seem to have the strength of an Immortal Saint Realm master!"

Kevin was flabbergasted to see a massive army of beasts in front of him.

"Sir, these monsters are all my subordinates now.

From now on, I'll have them guard the area around the Immortal End World.

If the creatures of other worlds want to enter our Immortal End World, they have to pass the regular procedure, get their identity checked, and pay for the entrance fees.


If they dare to come to our Immortal End World and stir trouble, they will be harshly taught a lesson,"

Austin informed with a smug on his face.

He seemed very confident as he intently looked at his army of beasts.

"Ha-ha! Austin, I can't believe you have subdued such a large group of beasts!

It's good that our strength has risen several levels with the help of these beasts!

Eight are at the Immortal Saint Realm, around forty to fifty are at the Immortal King Realm, thousands of them are at the Immortal Realm, about tens of thousands are at the Immortal Transforming Realm, and about one hundred thousand of them are at the Heavenly Grotto Realm or lower!

Wow! Your beast army is indeed so formidable!

It's more than enough to conquer some weak small worlds and even some of the weak medium worlds!"

Kevin's eyes shone in excitement that he couldn't help trembling. The more he looked at the beasts in front of him, the more astonished he got.

"Sir, I'm guessing you have heard about the hybrid titan race,"


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