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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2499

Another four hundred years had passed in the time chamber.

It had been so long since.

One day, a blaring explosion suddenly disrupted the peace.

From the starry sky outside the Immortal End World came a dazzling light.

The white light broke through the space barrier and rushed into the Prime Martial World of the Immortal End World.

After some time, it penetrated the inner space of the tripod and reached Austin's head in the time chamber of the cave.

"It's coming!"

In the corner of the pavilion were Corey and Faran, who were playing chess. They suddenly stopped, and their eyelids began twitching wildly.

They both sensed what was happening inside the secret room.

The white light was like a thunderbolt, blazing and blasting from the sky, ready to shatter Austin's head.


In the secret room, the cocoon of law suddenly moved, transforming into countless shadows.

Instantly, it seemed that hundreds of thousands of cocoons were sent flying inside the room, causing quite a chaos.


However, the white light was incredibly fast. It locked onto the real cocoon, causing white fog to surge.

The poor cocoon fell on the ground.

Meanwhile, Austin's whole body shook violently. His skin cracked open, bleeding.

But he didn't mind it at all, not even flinching a bit. Instead, he firmly held on.

Since Austin had practiced all kinds of powerful body refining skills, his body was now adamant.

The second his skin cracked, it healed immediately on its own.


Another explosion and the earth and sky was instantly covered by a purple, majestic light.

It broke through the thick space barrier and penetrated the time chamber, pouncing towards the cocoon.

"These are not lightning, but the real law power of the universe!

It is one of the most terrifying forces in the entire world!"

Faran cried out in the pavilion, amazed as he intently stared at the lavender light.

"Yeah, that's right!

Now, all we need to do is wait and see if he can make it through.

If a cultivator fails this process, he will die and become a part of the eternal laws of the world.

On the other hand, if he makes it through, then he will be reborn with extreme power.

His strength will improve by great leaps and bounds!"

Corey exclaimed, nodding and keenly glaring at the periwinkle light too.


With the blaring sound, the purple light hit the cocoon.

Crevices slowly showed on the surface of the divine cocoon, as if it was about to break apart.


After the purple light, a black light now shot from the starry sky and rushed towards the cocoon too.

At this moment, Austin was now sober inside the cocoon.

As he tried to get back to his senses, a horrible feeling suddenly dwelled on him.

'The black light does not hurt my physical body but my spiritual soul instead!'

Austin thought, surprised at that realization.

He was right––his skin was unscathed, but his spiritual soul was blistered.

The black light passed through the cocoon and infiltrated Austin's Soul Sea.


A vast sea of spiritual sense in Austin's Soul Sea rolled up into a gigantic wave.

The Supreme Spiritual Pot turned into a large, domineering object that stood in the center of his Soul Sea.

The spiritual tree was also restless, and its green leaves drifted over the sky.

At this moment, Austin had used all his trump cards resting in his Soul Sea.

He had used everything to fight against the black light.

His entire Soul Sea was almost cracked open by the violent shake, and he couldn't afford to just let it completely destroyed by external forces.

Finally, with all his skills and persistence, Austin was able to exhaust the energy of the black light.

The spiritual tree was thrown backward, hitting a corner of his Soul Sea.

Same with the Supreme Spiritual Pot––it was also hurled out with a roar.

The spiritual sense sea at the center of his Soul Sea was smashed into pieces.

Austin felt as if his head was splitting, and he could not bear it at all.


In the starry sky in the outside world, another red light rushed towards him.

Its crimson beam was stunning and enigmatic.

As he concentrated his mind, dark and dense demonic energy flowed on his body like lava.

Slowly, it condensed into a diabolic armor.

This armor was made by Devil Ancestor Bale, which Austin snatched from the former's grandson, Derek.


The Pot of Chaos materialized above Austin's head and turned into a large tripod, which then unleashed the omnipotent gas that enveloped him.


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