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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2504


The words of the demonic insect stunned Austin; even the Eight Stone Saints were surprised.

"Huh? Hey, you disgusting creature! Why do you have a grudge against Austin? What has he ever done to you?

I don't think you two even ever crossed path.

Why did you attack him?"

Seeing that Austin was being troubled, Rhys spoke up for his friend.

Austin also wanted to know the answer. As far as he recalled, this was the first time he was seeing this insect.

Why had the latter found fault with him without reason?

"Well, you seem eager to know, so I shall oblige.

I sensed that this human carries something of great value with him; something that is incomparably important to our race.

I need to take him back with me and search him thoroughly.

Don't worry. As long as you allow me to finish my task, my friends and I shall not hurt him. In fact, we can make whatever promises you want us to make."

The leader of the demonic insects was straightforward in stating his intentions.

Clearly, he was determined to take Austin away.

A fit of laughter burst out among Austin's side after hearing this story.

"You know what? I know now why you were so eager, you jerks! You saw something that Austin have and now want to rob him of it!

How shameless of you, disgusting bugs! Who cares how important the thing is for you? He found it first, fair and square!

And now, you want to get it through robbery! Shameless creatures! And you speak as if it was the most justified thing ever!

Dream on, dumbo! As long as we are here, there's no way we're gonna let you have anything!"

Asa roared out in between the laugh.

"You're right. I hate robbers and their impudent conducts as well. Get out of here, you sickening bugs! Get out of here right now, or we're going to crush you!"

Rhys also shouted angrily at the top of his voice. He could not subdue the wrath inside him now.

The rest of the spirits of holy stone laughed and sneered as well.

Looking at the response of the Eight Stone Saints, Austin felt a warm feeling inside his heart.

He could clearly feel that all of them were good and upright people willing to help him without expecting something in return.

"So that's what you have decided! Very well!

It looks like you Stone Saints aren't going to do me this favor.

Listen to me very clearly! If you refuse this offer, you will regret it very soon."

The leading demonic insect gritted his teeth with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"And listen, you human boy. I'll give you one last chance. Come with me of your own free will.

Maybe I will spare your life if you are obedient.

Otherwise, you are going to die miserably!"

The demonic insect looked at Austin with a menacing and malicious look.

"Are you insane?

Who the hell do you think you are? Why should I go back with you?"

Austin's words sounded as cold as ice. The commanding tone of the demonic insect had enraged him quite a bit and now, he had no intention of treating them nicely anymore.

"How dare you!

All right, you stubborn human. If that's what you want, so be it!

Just wait and see.

You will regret your decision very soon!"

The leading demonic insect cast a ferocious glance at Austin, turned around, and left.

The rest of the demonic insects also flapped their wings and retreated behind their leader. Their vast number filled the sky all of a sudden, like a huge wall had just appeared and was now floating in the air. They hummed and disappeared into the distance rapidly.

"Why didn't we kill them all, Asa? Those insects are so disgusting.

We are strong enough to deal with every single one of them. Why didn't you give the order?"

Wesley turned towards their leader and asked.

"It would not have been difficult for us to deal with that group of insects. You're right!

However, if we directly attacked them, we would have driven an irreparable wedge between us and their race.

Those bugs are a huge race. There are countless of their creatures.

Besides, it is said that there is a supreme bug in their clan. This ancestor bug lives in seclusion all year round. No one knows how long he or she has lived, and his or her strength is unfathomable.

Therefore, it's better that we incur no hostility from them."

Asa declared in a measure tone.

"Good thinking, Asa..."

The rest of the spirits of holy stone also nodded their heads in agreement.

"One thing is clear though, Austin. You can't stay in the Ancient Forbidden Land anymore. You must leave as soon as possible.

Those gold-devouring devil bugs are too many in number, and a large number of those are highly powerful.

Besides, the devil insect race is united.

You will be no match for them,"

Asa advised Austin in a serious manner.

"What is this devil insect race?"

Austin asked curiously.


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