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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2507

"Yes, it's the supreme grandmaster!"

"My God! He has disappeared for many years, and we had no idea where he was. I didn't expect that he would appear today!"

In the valley, many moths were gaping in surprise. They marveled at the presence of their grandmaster.

"Someone broke into the sacred place. Don't let him escape!"

The supreme grandmaster of the devil moth race let out a shrill roar. Every soldier snapped to attention at his orders.

"What? Yes, sir!"

At first the devil moths couldn't believe the audacity. Someone broke into the sacred place! When the order sunk into their minds, they were enraged at the intruder's impertinence.

"Kill him!"

All the devil moths darted towards the sacred place in unison.

Their wings were flapping furiously, while a cloud of thick smoke rolled around them. It looked like a hurricane was passing through the valley.

"Damn it! They found us!"

Austin exclaimed in alarm.

At this moment, Austin, Brady, the God-killing Puppet, and the demonic avatar were collecting treasures in the palace. They moved as fast as they could, conscious of the danger.

In the palace, several extremely precious treasures were kept inside a brilliant and sophisticated array. They would need to destroy the array before they could get to the treasures.

Austin glanced at them, full of anticipation. However, he realized that he didn't have enough time to destroy the array. The devil moth soldiers could arrive at any time.

Fortunately, the devil insect race's holy pollen was easily accessible, unlike the other treasures. It was placed on a stone table, without the array's protection. Austin reached for it easily.

"I have the holy pollen!

Let's get out of here!"

Austin gritted his teeth in his struggle. He teleported Brady, the God-killing Puppet, and the demonic avatar into the Slave Tower. Once he was done, he swiftly left the palace.

"Kill him!"

When he stepped out of the palace, an overwhelming number of devil moth soldiers met him. They were hovering over the ground and in the air. As soon as they saw him, they flapped their wings furiously and rushed towards him.

Their demonic aura soared into the sky and turned into a demonic dragon. It waved its teeth and claws ferociously. At the same time, the devil moths' wings were transformed into countless sharp knives. They flew to Austin's direction, like razor-sharp rain.

In a flash, the sharp wings rained down, right where Austin had been standing. The whole area that surrounded him was cut into pieces.

However, Austin was unharmed. He had already put on the armor, and the Pot of Chaos was hanging over his head. Wisps of omnipotent gas, like a huge umbrella, were protecting him from the moths.

"Go away!"

With a shout, Austin used all his physical strength to turn into a huge golden giant. He was towering at almost one hundred feet in height. He crushed them easily under his hands like they were little ants.

Many devil moths were hit. They were smashed and crushed until only drops of blood remained.

Austin drew the Divine Ruling Chains that dangled from the void. He threw it at the moths, who were crushed into dust.

He unleashed his great power in a flash of light, which made him look like a golden God of War. He quickly made a bloody path and broke out of the encirclement.

Just then, a terrifying voice echoed around them.

"You are quite bold, human boy!

You broke into my sacred place without permission, and you stole a precious treasure of our race. You will die today!"

A shrill howl sounded, and the sound waves overlapped. It rushed toward Austin like a thunderous tsunami. He struggled with the force and almost lost his balance.

'I didn't expect that there's such a strong devil moth here!

It must be these devil moth's supreme grandmaster, '

Austin thought in alarm. He was taken aback by the monster's power, as it outclassed most of the devil moths he had fought earlier.

Austin knew that he was no match for this supreme grandmaster, based on the strength of the sound waves and the power the moth just displayed.

Austin landed on the ground with unsteady feet. He rolled away quickly and dashed out of the valley.

A large devil moth suddenly vibrated its wings, which turned into two huge pink knives. They fell from the sky and cut the ground of the valley, as Austin ran underneath the ground.


A deafening explosion broke out on the ground, and the earth collapsed with a bang. Cracks with a width of over a thousand meters crawled all over the valley.

Austin's shadow was exposed, as he ran at the bottom of the cracked ground.


A large pink thorn shot out from the giant devil moth's head. It shot towards Austin, who was hiding under cracks on the ground.

This pink thorn not only contained terrifying energy, but it also emitted a weird green light, an obvious indication that the thorn was highly poisonous.


It struck the Pot of Chaos hard.


The strong impact blew Austin away as if he had been struck by lightning.

Luckily, the Pot of Chaos and the omnipotent gas were extremely thick. They were not easily broken.

The dark armor also canceled out most of the attacking power.


Austin's body flashed like lightning. He hid under the ground again and fled into the distance.

"Chase! We can't let this human boy escape. He must be taken at all costs!"

The supreme grandmaster of the devil moth race roared harshly.


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