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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2512

It could be said that the devil moth grandmaster's speed was deadly and terrifying whenever he moved his body.

However, he was no match for the divine silkworm which seemed to be even faster.

And even more than that blinding speed, all the insects felt suppressed within the very blood that flowed through them in the face of the divine silkworm.

The devil moth grandmaster felt his blood run cold and his body turn powerless when faced with the divine silkworm. His strength that was touted to be powerful was difficult to use.

That was why his speed and skills were greatly reduced.

It wasn't long after the divine silkworm caught up to the devil moth grandmaster and grabbed onto his head at lightning speed.


The divine silkworm raised a small claw and ran it down the devil moth grandmaster's head.

There was a loud bang as the devil moth grandmaster slammed into the ground. His spiritual soul shuddered within him and he felt it burn as if it was about to explode.

"I surrender!

Don't kill me! I will serve you as your man!"

In a few moments before his death, the devil moth grandmaster couldn't think of anything else but to desperately cry and beg for his life.

The mighty devil moth grandmaster pleadingly looked at the divine silkworm who towered over his cowering form.

The divine silkworm stopped its attack and grounded its heel upon the devil moth grandmaster's head.

"Come here! All of you! Show your respect to His Majesty, the honorable divine silkworm!"

The devil moth grandmaster's call for the rest of his race was muffled from where his head was forced into the ground.

It was shameful to see their master be treated like dirt but all the devil moths in the valley hesitated only for a short moment.

They all eventually flew out although some of them hesitated longer than the others.

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty!"

All the shaking devil moths humbly lowered their heads to the ground.

No one dared to take a step out of line lest it should be taken that they were trying to disobey.

The terrifying aura from the divine silkworm was enough to make every devil moth cower and fear for their lives.

It was common knowledge for all the worms that the divine silkworm was born to be the king of all the insects and he was meant to rule.

The obedience that the devil moths showed wasn't fake because they truly did believe that the divine silkworm was their king and so there was no resistance in their hearts.

It was just like how commoners felt when they suddenly saw the emperor.

It was common sense that commoners would surrender to the emperor!

And they surrendered willingly!

Unbeknownst to the insects, right under the ground where they knelt was Austin who was surprised and pleased at the events he was sensing.

'It seems that the divine silkworm can command all the insects. This legend is true!'

Austin dismissed the doubts he held in his heart.

Since the devil moths were all obedient to the divine silkworm, Austin no longer had any reason to hesitate.

He dashed out of the hole and in the blink of an eye and appeared in the valley.


All the devil moths snapped to look at where Austin unexpectedly appeared.

"It's you! It's that human guy!"

The devil moth grandmaster's voice echoed in the valley as he screeched angrily.

He had a strong perception and managed to recognize Austin in just a second. This was the human who broke into the holy palace and stolen a large number of treasures under his nose last time.


There was a flash of golden light as the divine silkworm returned to Austin's shoulder. The smug glance it sent to Austin and the haughty way it raised its head were all clear signs that it felt proud of itself.

It was so obvious that the silkworm wanted Austin to praise it and that it was getting more excited by the second.

"That was brilliant!"

Austin found it both hilarious and a little ridiculous.

"He's... Wait.

Young man... are you a friend of His Majesty, the divine silkworm?"

The devil moth grandmaster's tone changed from when he saw how the divine silkworm acted towards Austin. All the insects turned to Austin with puzzled expressions as they tried to understand what was happening.

"That's right. I'm so sorry for what I did last time."

Austin nodded at the devil moth grandmaster.

Anyway, even if the devil moth grandmaster was defeated easily, he was still a powerful master and Austin maintained some form of politeness for him.


Since you are a good friend of His Majesty, then... Then forget it."

The devil moth grandmaster's teeth ground against each other as he spoke.

Seeing the divine silkworm and Austin were close, the devil moth grandmaster knew that he had no choice but to let go of the incident.

"Well then, let's move to our next target!"

Austin turned to speak to the divine silkworm.


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