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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2514

At once, the Eight Stone Saints let out their spiritual sense to wash over everything around them to check their surroundings.

If they weren't so hasty with their inspection, they would have noticed Austin who was hiding among the members of the devil insect race. But they rushed their check and their perception didn't manage to pick up his presence.

"It looks like this place is already surrounded by the devil insect race's forces.

If we want to get out of the encirclement, we have to fight till we die."

Asa's tone was darker than the tombs of the dead.

"That seems to be the only way now.

Let's not be hasty.

Preserve our strength.

After we break out of the encirclement, we can go find our two supreme grandmasters."

Unlike Asa, Willard's voice was as calm as a peaceful lake on a sunny day. He was at peace and certain about their situation.

"The two supreme grandmasters!"

The crowd of spirits of holy stone that surrounded them wheeled back in shock at his brazenness.

"The two supreme grandmasters have been in seclusion to cultivate themselves for hundreds of thousands of years.

I don't think it's a good idea to disturb them,"

said Asa carefully and trained his eyes on Willard.

"There's no other choice left.

Our race and the devil insect race have nothing but pure hatred against each other now.

If the situation keeps on going like this, all this fighting would make it impossible for us spirits of holy stone to survive in the Ancient Forbidden Land.

This matter is about the very survival of our race. It's time for the two supreme grandmasters to show up,"

Willard stated.

"You're right."

The rest of the spirits of holy stone nodded in agreement.

The Eight Stone Saints observed the conversation with expressions darker than a stormy sky.

It could no longer be denied that their current situation was grave.

There were too many beings who were from the devil insect race.

Every inch of their surroundings was covered with a swarm of the force of the devil insect race. Every move they made was a powerful tidal wave.

If the spirits of holy stone wanted the slightest chance of breaking out of the encirclement, they would have to pour out everything they had and dirty their hands.

"Let's make haste and without further ado. We'll gather all our people and break out of this siege!"

Asa immediately rallied all their comrades.

"Yes, sir!"

The spirit of holy stone who arrived and reported, immediately took the Asa's declaration and hastily left.

It didn't take long for all spirits of holy stone to gather together.

There were only a little more than a thousand of them in total.

Although each of them was powerful in their own ways, their pitiful numbers was the true reason they couldn't put up much resistance against the head on assault of the devil insect race.

The Eight Stone Saints left the mountainside with more than a thousand members of their companions and were as silent as the moon when they sneaked out.

"Kill them!"

As quick as a strike of lightning, the forces of the spirit of holy stone rushed to the same direction.

There was no coincidence in their decisions to attack. The direction that the Eight Stone Saints chose was the devil insect race's weakest defense.

The Eight Stone Saints led the charge like ferocious tigers and drew everyone's attention to their power.

The rest of the spirits of holy stone fought just as fiercely as the Eight Stone Saints.

They were unstoppable even though they were a force of a mere thousand. They fell upon the gathered insects in a powerful wave.

Unbeknownst to the spirits of the holy stone, their enemies were ordered to not engage with them at all.

Instead of striking back, the insect race's forces merely stepped back and rushed to withdraw from the battle.

"Don't be nervous!

They're on our side!"

A young man rushed over to their side and smiled at the Eight Stone Saints.


Everyone, including the Eight Stone Saints and the thousand or so spirits of holy stone, paused their attacks as they wheeled back to stare at the young man. Each one held a stunned expression at the confusing declaration.

The shift in the situation gave them whiplash.

They thought that there would be a battle for life and death.

But now, things had changed and they didn't know how to react.

"What's wrong? Don't you recognize me anymore? After all this time?"

Austin's smile was bright as he came closer to the Eight Stone Saints.

The divine silkworm grabbed onto Austin's hair and swayed back and forth, just like a kid was having fun on a swing.

The little infinity beast perched on Austin's right shoulder just blinked bored and sleepy eyes at them as it yawned.


Why are you here?"

"There's so many insects here. What are you doing here?"

"Austin, what's going on?"

All thoughts left the Eight Stone Saints as they stared at Austin and all they could let out were incoherent questions.


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