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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2542

"I thought it would never end. Finally, they left!"

After the people of the Evil Shadow World left, Elder Kevin appeared beside Austin, relieved that the disorder brought by the Evil Shadow World was finally over.

These members of the Evil Shadow World stayed at the Immortal End School and refused to leave, and this made him very annoyed.

"From now on, if anyone from other worlds would dare to mess with the Immortal End World and its people, we will be ruthless, and we will show no mercy.

If we have to, we will use brutal force to drive them out. They cannot bully us again.

It is very important that we show power and strength if we want to establish and rule a glorious world,"

Austin said.


Elder Kevin was stunned as he heard Austin's words.

Austin's eyes were filled with confidence and determination.

With Austin's current strength, he was no longer afraid of anything or anyone in this universe, except for the one who was a sect ancestor.

Even if the grand leader of the Third Demonic World and the grand chieftain of the skeleton race came, Austin could face them all by himself.

Because of this, Austin was dead set on establishing the Immortal End World into a more powerful world.

He was determined to change the fate of the Immortal End World; from what used to be weak and mocked upon by others, into a powerful world, feared and respected by everyone.

"Okay. If that's what you want, I will support you!"

Elder Kevin fixed his eyes on Austin and took a deep breath. He knew in his heart that he shared Austin's confidence

He knew Austin's power had become immeasurable. It was hard to believe at first, but he had witnessed what Austin was capable of.

This young man, who had passed the trial of the Spiritual Tower and received the Slave Tower from him as a gift, was now following in his footsteps. He knew Austin was capable of surpassing what he had achieved someday.

Also, Austin's performance during a combat was much more impressive than his.

Elder Kevin had just witnessed how Austin easily defeated the master at the Immortal Saint Realm with his spiritual sense.

What he saw was beyond his wildest imagination.

"Austin, I can hardly keep up with you! Your power seems to advance every time I see you.


We are so lucky to have you in the Immortal End World!

It looks like our Immortal End World will soon rise! I can almost see it.

Well, so much for that. I will let you two catch up.

I have to go."

Elder Kevin laughed and left happily.

After he left, Austin and Caroline went back to the cave.

Inside the cave, Priest Callum remained in a coma. His face was pale, and he showed no sign of life.

Austin check with his spiritual and sensed that Priest Callum's spiritual soul had been damaged.

Austin sat on the ground with his legs crossed. He then summoned his spiritual sense.

Branches of the spiritual tree from Austin's Soul Sea went into the Soul Sea of Priest Callum.

Soon, dozens of branches radiated with green light and released brilliant mist into the air. Shortly, moisture fell on the spiritual soul of Priest Callum.

This was the healing power of the spiritual tree.

It was used to heal the wounds of a spiritual soul and could restore them back entirely.

Austin discovered this as the level of the spiritual tree became more advanced.

An hour later, the spiritual tree retracted the branches.

The spiritual soul of Priest Callum was healed, and he had regained his consciousness.

"Are you all right?"

Caroline asked as she rushed towards Priest Callum. Her face was filled with concern and worry.

"My queen, I am fine now,"

said Priest Callum with a smile.

"What the hell happened?"

Austin asked.

"Let me tell you,"


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