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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 258

When Austin finally learned how to control the Eagle Wings, he made his first attempt to fly in the sky with excitement.

Fifteen minutes later, he discovered one of the Eagle Wings' features—his velocity and altitude depended on how much vital energy he used. The Eagle Wings took up so much vital energy.

He had already used one third of his vital energy even though he had only been in the air for about half an hour.

A bitter smile cracked his lips when he felt his vital energy was being drained at an alarming speed.

Although it was a rare Secret Weapon, Austin decided to only use it when necessary. After all, it was a vital energy leech.

'I guess even Steward Meng, a strong cultivator at the Mysterious Realm, was unable to fly long hours using these Eagle Wings, ' he thought.

He had originally thought he could fly back to Peace Town using the Eagle Wings to avoid the long and tiresome journey.

But on second thought, he'd rather run to Peace Town than use so much vital energy.

He landed on the ground and placed the Eagle Wings back.

Then he and Violet went back to Peace Town. There were still four days left until the appointed time with the shopkeeper of the elixir store. . . . . .

At Peace Town.

In the garden of a large house, a middle-aged man was sitting on a stone chair, looking cruel and coldhearted. He was none other than Johnson Su, the steward of Sun Sect, and Marvin's uncle.

Standing before him were several inner disciples of the Sun Sect. All of them emitted a strong aura, and were surrounded by intense vital energy. Most inner disciples of the Sun Sect were at the Energy Gathering Realm. In order to become an inner disciple, you must be able to reach level 7 of the Energy Gathering Realm before you even turned 15 years old.

Most inner disciples were above level 8 of Energy Gathering Realm, while only a handful of elite outer disciples were capable of reaching this level. Most outer disciples were between level 4 and level 7 of Energy Gathering Realm.

Marvin and Billy were both at level 8 of Energy Gathering Realm. There were about 5, 000 outer disciples, and only about 30 of them had reached this level.

"Steward Su, we've looked everywhere in Peace Town for the past few days, but there was no sign of Austin anywhere," said a disciple in white coat. He was a handsome man, but a little arrogant.

He had reached level 9 of Energy Gathering Realm; he might even make a breakthrough and reach the Earth Realm any time.

"Son of a bitch! How dare he kill my nephew! He is definitely dead meat. I am going to find him. There is no place in the world that will save him from my wrath.

Marvin, you poor boy! I swear I'll avenge you. I'll cut Austin to pieces.

Roman, you must find him for me. Peace Town is just a small town. We must find that brat at all cost!"

Johnson Su demanded through gritted teeth. The more he thought about his poor nephew, the angrier he got. He banged his palm on the stone table. Cracks suddenly appeared, and soon spread over the whole table. With a loud thud, the table disintegrated, and the debris scattered everywhere.

He had been wallowing in his grief all these days because of Marvin's death. How he wished he could eat Austin's flesh and drink his blood!

He had called all his trusted disciples over and asked them to search for Austin. He swore to himself he would kill him to avenge Marvin.

But to his disappointment, Austin was nowhere to be found. They had been searching for him for several days already, but to no avail.

"Steward Su, please don't worry. I treated Marvin like my own brother. I couldn't even believe my ears when I heard he had been killed. I will hunt Austin and avenge Marvin on my own accord, even if you didn't say so," Roman Tong said earnestly. He was an inner disciple of the Sun Sect, and was one of Johnson Su's trusted disciples.

After saying that, Roman Tong left the garden along with the other disciples and continued to look for Austin. . . .

At the same time, there was an old man in black in a large hall. He was as thin as a skeleton.

"A guy named Austin killed him?"

he thundered. His eyes became slits much like a venomous snake. If you ever saw him, you would definitely be wary and want to stay away from him as far as possible, because you could feel his murderous intent emanating from his entire body.

His voice was so fierce that anyone could tell he was boiling over with rage.

There was a rotting body on the floor before him. Beneath the body was a blood red cloak etched with a gigantic wolf growling at the sky.

If Austin were there, he would have recognized the body—he was the leader who had taken several members of the Blood Wolf Team to hunt down Austin, but had been killed by Austin instead in the valley where the Mysterious Ancient Well was located.

"Yes, boss. I think so," a bulky man answered carefully.

The old man was the head of the Blood Wolf Team, the most notorious gang in Violet Orchid Empire.

The old man's face turned sour at the man's reply. His eyes were piercing as he paced up and down in the hall. In a chilly tone, he said, "According to our previous research, Austin was only at the Energy Gathering Realm. He couldn't have killed Patrick on his own. He must have had help from someone. Go and check who had the guts to kill the members of the Blood Wolf Team."

"Boss, according to our information, Austin was with a girl, an outer disciple of the Sun Sect too.

There was no third person."


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