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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2598

Lady Nathalie, Caroline, Austin and Priest Callum were chatting leisurely in the garden of the palace.

In the splendid palace of Lady Katherine.

"Something is wrong. Something must have happened and everything went terribly wrong!"

Lady Katherine shrieked, her face twisting in anger.

Several maids stood cautiously beside her, trembling in fear.

Even the most eloquent maid shut her mouth, and lowered her head with a look of fright.

There were two middle-aged men in grey kneeling before Lady Katherine in the hall.

They were Lady Katherine's most trusted subordinates and had been loyal to her for many years. They were her henchmen and had done many despicable things for her.

Lady Katherine had sent Chief Rock and Chief Stone to hunt down Caroline. However a day had passed by, and the two of them hadn't come or reported back to her.

Lady Katherine had even dispatched a crew to search for her subordinates, but failed to find any trace of them. They simply vanished from the face of the earth as if they never existed.

"Your Highness, we have searched the whole the shadow zone carefully and the only anomaly we came across was the traces of a fierce fight.

Obviously people fought at the shadow zone fiercely.

I guess that something tragic must have happened to Chief Rock and Chief Stone if they were part of the battle,"

a man in grey clothes said.

"So are you implying that they have been killed?

Could there some master protecting that little swine?"

Lady Katherine asked through gritted teeth.

Chief Rock and Chief Stone had taken orders from her secretly and been her most trusted subordinates. Knowing that they were killed, and she didn't even know how they had died, she was very sad.

"Your Highness, we also found something suspicious.

Lady Nathalie's trusted man Dickey had left the world, but soon returned.

Now he is in Lady Nathalie's palace,"

the man in grey continued.

"Where could he have gone to and why is he back now?"

Lady Katherine wondered for a while, then she stood up abruptly, and the temperature in the hall dropped a lot.

"Everything makes sense now; it is all clear now.

That little bitch must have returned to the Evil Shadow World.

She and her mother have already met and been spending time together.

Humph! I worked so hard to stop her, but that bitch still found her way back here," Lady Katherine huffed.

The ferocious look on her face made her seem more fearsome than she normally was. It was like beauty had suddenly turned into beast.

The temperature of the whole hall kept dropping and getting more oppressive. No one dared to speak out of turn, if anything, everyone was praying that she had forgotten that they existed so that her wrath wouldn't fall on them.

"Please don't be angry, Your Highness.

Even though that little twerp is back, we still have a chance to kill her.

Her return might be good news for us. It makes it much easier for us to take her down,"

the man in grey said hurriedly.

"He is right, Your Highness. Please rest assured that we will find and utilize any opportunity to finish off that nitwit,"

the other man said respectfully.

"You have a good point.

Maybe it will be easier for me to kill that bitch when she is the Evil Shadow World.

She is digging her own grave.

She and her mother must die!

Now that they dare go against me, I will make them pay. I will kill them slowly and prolong their death as long as possible inflicting as much pain as humanely possible. They will die miserably like the pigs that they are," Lady Katherine declared with a malicious face.

Anger almost to the verge of being delirious, had filled her eyes, making the air close to freezing.

"By the way, I have just learnt that the scout we sent to the Immortal End World is back with some news.

That little wench is married to the chief of the Immortal End World, Austin Lin.

Moreover, this time, Austin might have followed her here.

I suspect that Chief Rock and Chief Stone probably died at his hands.

I heard that Austin is incredibly powerful though he is young,"

the man in grey added.

"Oh, things are getting more interesting! That little bitch got married?

Her husband is the chief of the Immortal End World, Austin Lin.

Hmmm, if that's the case, I'll end this Austin guy as well,"

Lady Katherine said with a sneer.

Just then, a male voice resounded in her Soul Sea.

"What's wrong, sweetie? Why are you so angry? Who upset you today?"


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