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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2600

"Katherine, why do you have so many people surrounding my palace? How dare you!

Aren't you afraid of getting punished by the Evil Shadow King?"

Lady Nathalie asked furiously.

Although she was arguing with Lady Katherine and trying to appear confident, she had an ominous premonition that something unexpected and very bad was about to happen.

Although the Evil Shadow King had always spoiled Lady Katherine, this time she had crossed the boundaries.

Just because Lady Katherine was favored, it didn't mean she and her goons could kill the other several ladies however they liked.

That kind of evil deed was too brazen.

Even though the Evil Shadow King liked Lady Katherine the best and always treated her well, he would never allow her to behave like a wild animal.

But now, she was here and had surrounded Lady Nathalie's palace!

There must be something unusual that had triggered her actions and despicable behavior!

"Lady Nathalie, something seems to be off,"

said Callum softly to Lady Nathalie.

"Ha-ha, your protection is over.

Nathalie, from now on, you can't count on the Evil Shadow King to keep protecting you like a little child the way he has always done. That old bastard can't help you anymore!

He himself is in grave danger right now as we speak!"

Lady Katherine started to laugh loudly.

Anyone watching could sense that Lady Katherine had no respect for the Evil Shadow King when she spoke. Her words were full of disdain and dripping with sarcasm.

"Well, it looks like something big is about to happen in the Evil Shadow World.

How dare Lady Katherine treat the Evil Shadow King with such disrespect?"

At this time, Austin appeared beside Lady Nathalie, accompanied by Caroline.

'Since Lady Katherine is already here with her soldiers, this is the perfect time to take action. There is no need for us to hide any more.

Today, there will be a fierce battle, ' thought Austin.

So he showed up with Caroline.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand.

What do you mean, Katherine!

How dare you be so rude to the Evil Shadow King!

If he gets to hear about this, he will definitely not spare your life!"

Lady Nathalie raised her eyebrows and shouted angrily.

"Ha-ha. Let me tell you the truth, Nathalie.

Today, my father will take action and kill that old coot. I mean, the Evil Shadow King.

From today on, the era of the Evil Shadow King will come to a tragic end.

My father will be the chief of the Evil Shadow World soon!

From now on, I'm going to take my revenge. All those who opposed me or offended me will die a slow and miserable death!

Especially you, Nathalie. How can I let you go?"

As soon as she finished saying that, she laughed complacently.

But her shrill laughter was enough to pierce people's heart.

"What? Are you serious?

Katherine, why did you plan such evil things? Your words… No, no, no. There is no way you can be this insane. Are you really telling me the truth?

Your father, Counselor Alex is actually going to attack the Evil Shadow King?"

After hearing Lady Katherine's words, Lady Nathalie was stunned and stammered, trying to piece her thoughts together.

It was like her brain simply shut down for a moment. Every part of her body was on pause as her mouth tried to catch up with her thoughts, and therefore stuttering and slurring her words. She had to remind herself to breathe as her eyes and her mouth flapped open and closed like a drowning chicken.

It wasn't only Lady Nathalie, who was having a hard time processing what she had just heard, but also everyone in the palace. Even the lowest ranking servants and maids were shocked by Lady Katherine's words.

It was known that the Evil Shadow King had ruled the Evil Shadow World for a long time. His majesty was deeply rooted in the heart of everyone in the Evil Shadow World.

If the Evil Shadow King was killed, it would be a huge disaster for everyone in the Evil Shadow World.

"Hmmm. Of course everything I have said is true!

In fact, at that time, my father was the most qualified person to be the chief of the Evil Shadow World!

However, that old bastard, the Evil Shadow King, used some underhanded means to persuade the previous chief.

In the end, the previous chief actually passed the position to him.

For so many years, I've been staying with the old bastard, the Evil Shadow King. I've been working hard to endure hardships, in order to avenge my father and regain the position of the chief of the world! Well today is the day!"


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