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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2615

"Do you have a death wish, you weakling?

All right, your wish is my command! I will kill all of you!" Counselor Alex sneered defiantly.

He waved his blade at Austin, and a blade aura appeared forcing Austin to step back.

Austin's demonic avatar, Evil Shadow King and Austin himself took on Counselor Alex together.

Austin was weaker than his comrades, so he didn't dare to attack Counselor Alex head on. He could only cause a distraction, and surprise him.

However, with Austin joining the fight, Counselor Alex also felt some pressure and started losing the upper hand.

At the moment, the two sides were tied—neck and neck.

Just then, a few figures appeared out of the blue.

They rushed towards the small grey world in the void.

They were the masters of the evil shadow race and they had been going after Austin and Caroline!

They had been guarding the outside of the palace gate before following Austin into the palace.

Noticing the fierce battle between the two sides, they mustered up all the courage they had tried to obtain the inheritance of the Evil Ancestor. Everyone had their lustful eyes on it.

Although it was very risky for them to do that with two sect ancestors around, they couldn't resist the temptation of taking the inheritance left by their ancestor.

The force to take it was just too strong and irresistible.

"You really are courting death!"

Counselor Alex snorted in distain.

In the next second, he took a step backward, turned around and waved the Evil Shadow Blade at the five men from afar.

The vast aura released by his blade swept across the sky, coming at them like a massive wave.

Shrill screams resounded and echoed all around.

In the blink of an eye, the five men were all cut into pieces and their souls were destroyed, their agonizing cries fading in the darkness.

It was just mere child's play for Counselor Alex to take them out with the Evil Shadow Blade.

At the sight of this, an idea occurred to Austin.

"Caroline, go get the inheritance!"

Austin said to Caroline through his spiritual sense.

Almost at the same time, Evil Shadow King sent a voice message to Caroline.

"Sweetie, go get the inheritance!"

"Don't hesitate any more. There will be no more chances for you if you don't take action now!

Otherwise, Counselor Alex will get it if we fail to hold him off,"

Austin urged.

Evil Shadow King urged her again and again.

Counselor Alex fought more bravely. He had gained the upper hand for the time being even though he was outnumbered.

If it went on like this, Counselor Alex would definitely win. If that happened, he would be able to get the inheritance hidden inside that small world.

That was why Austin and Evil Shadow King wanted Caroline to get into the small world first.

"I'm on it," Caroline agreed after gathering some courage.

She knew the current situation was not in their favor. Wasting no time, she dashed towards the small grey world.

"Well, another one who wants to meet death early!" Counselor Alex said as he saw Caroline running towards the small world.

He took a step back and wielded his long snow-white blade at her back. A blinding radiance was emitted by the blade and sliced across the sky, which was an overwhelming sight.

Under Austin's control, his demonic avatar withstood all the blade aura with the needle for Caroline.

The evil needle released an overbearing energy that could be on par with the Evil Shadow Blade or even better. Meanwhile, the tremendous evil aura came out of the needle and blanketed the sky.

Austin's demonic avatar was incredibly solid. Even when it was razed by the blade aura, it wasn't even hurt the slightest.

Austin and Evil Shadow King went all out in the fight against their enemy.

The two of them made use of their best secret skills.

"Move away from there!" Counselor Alex yelped.

He got anxious seeing Caroline approaching the small grey world.

He swung his blade, and the endless blade aura intertwined and destroyed everything around him.

The Diabolic Killing Needle in the demonic avatar's hand was awakened by the attacks.

The pitch black evil aura spurted from the evil needle and formed black chains to tie down the Evil Shadow Blade.

Counselor Alex's heart began to beat faster.

'This evil needle is so powerful. It even tries to defeat my Evil Shadow Blade on its own will, ' he thought.


Caroline rushed into the grey small world.

Austin and Evil Shadow King were overjoyed.

Counselor Alex had lost his patience and was now infuriated.

The legacy left by the Evil Ancestor was precious and important to him.

There was no way in hell he was going to let others get a hold of it without a serious fight.

"You bitch!!!" Counselor Alex screamed.

He summoned up all his strength to make the Evil Shadow Blade work.


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