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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2620

Faced with a turbulent space, Austin stepped forward.

He then released the spatial power and his body became lighter.

He moved his body sideways from time to time and successfully avoided a terrible burst of space-time turbulence.

Austin moved on, like a lone boat navigating through giant waves in the middle of an angry sea. From a distance, it seemed like he was going to be swallowed by the giant waves anytime and sink into a giant abyss.

However, Austin knew his way around the sea. He passed through each angry wave safely and avoided the turbulence that threatened to sweep him away.

Austin did not have to fight against the turbulence in the space.

With the help of the spatial power and his deep understanding of the space structure, he identified the path and direction of the time and space turbulence and avoided it in time.

Because of this, the turbulence could not harm him at all.


It was a stormy area. The wind was unrestrained, and sudden enormous explosions echoed in the space. There was turbulence and a rampage of powerful energy force.

Nevertheless, Austin remained fearless and moved forward leisurely.

'Well, the structure of the space is not only simple but also wonderful. In fact, it is running according to some space rules, '

Austin thought to himself as he walked forward along the chaotic region.

The chaotic region, with its chaotic space structure, inspired Austin a lot.

After a long time, Austin finally left the chaotic region.

"Well, it's time to find my way back to the Real Space,"

Austin murmured to himself. As he moved forward, he unleashed the spatial power and searched far and wide into the distance.

Half a day later, something in the distance made Austin's heart skipped a bit.

He marched forward, excited.

"Here is the space node!

I hope it is the junction for the Real Space!"

Austin exclaimed.

Austin then used the spatial power to make an opening in the space. His body gleamed as he entered the space crack.

The next moment.


Austin found himself in the endless universe surrounded by radiant stars.

Everything around him was motionless, and there was dead silence in the air.

He could see a few deserted planets that were dull and uninviting.

"I am finally back to the Real Space!"

Austin was overjoyed.

The atmosphere in the Real Space was far better than in the chaotic void.

Austin waved his hand and took out a warship.

It was one of the most powerful warships from the Tang Clan of the Tycoon World to help him sail on the starry sky.

Austin went inside and started the engine.

The warship sped away from the withered starry sky.

"I hope I can return to the Immortal End World."

Inside the ship, Austin recalled what had happened to him the last few days and smiled bitterly.

After talking to the holy trees, Faran and Corey before, Austin had realized that there were more than one universe!

Aside from the universe where the Immortal End World belonged to, there were other universes that he had not reached or explored.

The supreme holy tree and the holy yellow tree, as well as Corey and Faran, were all from another universe.

Austin became worried that after coming out of a random space node, he might end up in another universe.

If that happened, he was going to be in a lot of trouble.

It would be extremely difficult to pass through different universes!

Under the starry sky, Austin started the warship and moved forward at top speed.

In the Evil Shadow World, along the depths of the Fallen God Valley, stood a huge grey palace.

There was a grey small world hidden in the void of that palace.

Inside the grey small world, a beautiful and distinguished woman drifted above the floor. She looked elegant and regal as beams of brilliant divine radiance shot from her body.

Shadows of many Evil Gods sat in every corner of the grey small world. They made mysterious gestures and shot their energy into the woman's body.

As minutes passed, the aura from this woman became more and more terrifying.

Her cultivation base shot up!

This process lasted for a long time.

The beautiful and elegant woman was no other than Caroline.

From the time she entered the grey small world, she had fallen into the state of forgetting everything but to accept the inheritance of the Evil God Ancestor.

Finally, her cultivation ended.

Beams of colored lights surrounded her as she opened her beautiful eyes.


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