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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2629

Shivers ran down Austin as he poured all his focus on the strange black and white long stick. Its aura alone made Austin feel that it was too dangerous to approach.

Whirlpools of energy circled and rippled around the rod.

The long stick kept growing more and more until it almost filled the entire sky. Every space it passed would shatter into pieces before it was thoroughly covered.

With Austin's strong spiritual sense, he didn't even need to fight to know that the owner of the stick was bad news and that he was no match at all.

His whole body tensed up as he poured every ounce of his energy into his legs and exerted his speed to the extreme to fly away as far as he could go in just a blink.

No matter how far Austin ran, the black and white long stick still chased after him in a terrifying speed.


It was like the very heavens that held the stars shook at every move of the long stick.

In just a blink of an eye, the long stick had caught up with Austin despite his dizzying speed.

"You dare to offend the members of the underworld? Die!"

a voice that was as cold as it was ruthless echoed across the starry sky.

As soon as the words stopped ringing in the air, the long stick sped up even more and charged back at Austin.


As one, the surging death aura and corpse miasma turned into a dark wave that swept over Austin and tried to drag him down a black ocean.

Sharp pricks made pain bloom on every inch of Austin's skin under the wave of great pressure and his blood was burning as it rushed through his veins. It was like his body was about to explode.

One misstep would lead to his death so Austin didn't dare to slack off and immediately exerted his spatial power to cross the chaotic void.

With his cultivation base of the spatial power, Austin was able to pass through the chaotic void hundreds and thousands of times faster than before.

"Damn it! That guy is even stronger than Counselor Alex!"

Austin's heart hammered against his ribs, as the fear he felt still imprinted in his mind.

He was still trying to catch his breath but in that moment...


A huge hole was punched through the chaotic void and the black and white long stick aggressively rushed to Austin.

It seemed like that the long stick would chase after Austin to the world's edge and wouldn't give up unless it killed him!

The sudden appearance of the long stick was like a lightning strike that shocked Austin and made all the hair on his body stand on end. He stretched his body and quickly turned into a beam of light and rushed away.

Space and time inside the chaotic void was unlike that of the Real Space and the long stick slowed down just a bit when it entered the void.

Austin was like an untouchable bolt of lightning as he moved through the chaotic void. His spatial power was overwhelming even to the quick long stick.

Their game of cat and mouse continued for a moment more.

"Interesting! I can't believe there's such an outstanding young creature in this universe.

Little guy, we may meet again in the future."

It felt like ages before the long stick finally passed in its tracks and let out a light laugh.

There was even a trace of appreciation in its tone.

Slowly then all at once, the black and white long stick retreated from the chaotic void back into the black hole it came in through and then disappeared.

Once he was sure the weapon was truly gone, Austin heaved out a long sigh of relief at the knowledge that he was safe, at least for now.

It had to be said that the long stick gave off a crushing pressure to Austin.

"Lord Chace from the underworld...

Could it be one of the Black and White Ghosts?

Did the corpse soldiers really come from the underworld?

Is it true that there's an underworld in this world? The home of all living things after their death?

Could this underworld be the same one from the legendary stories on the earth where I'm from?"

Austin quietly stood in the chaotic void and kept his eyes at the direction where the long stick retreated. One question after another popped into his mind.


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