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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2653

Within a moment, the strong and influential cultivators from different forces began to organize their men in the Sky Tiger World. Soon a humongous army stormed out of the gate.

They outnumbered the creatures of the Immortal End World by many times.

"You must be the chief of the Immortal End World, Austin Lin. Am I right?

Humph! Don't you think you're too arrogant? We have no issues with you or your world. In fact, we were allies. But now you have brought your men here simply to stir up trouble.

Do you really think we are cowards and we will not dare to fight back?"

It was a white-haired elder who spoke to Austin. The sea of soldiers in the army parted to make way for the elder. He approached coldly, with calculated steps, towards Austin who was standing in front of the troops.

"Oh, I'm surprised," said Austin sarcastically.

"I thought you had forgotten that you were our ally.

Now that you've mentioned it, then why the hell did you slaughter our kind?

You have laid hands on our people, how can you say that we have no problems?

That's just rubbish.

Cut the crap! Today we will destroy your world. Whether you try to stop us or not," Austin responded indifferently, but there was determination in his voice.

He gestured at his men to make a move by raising his right hand up in the air.

With battle cries that sounded as raw and as wild as animals, the strong creatures from the Immortal End World charged at their enemies.

They were in high spirits, determined like their leader to win this battle.

Eight Stone Saints who were belligerent quickly outran their comrades. They unleashed their best secret skills and finished off lot of soldiers of the Sky Tiger World army who were at the frontlines.

"I see! I'll wait and see what you've got and if you can really take our world!"

the white-haired elder huffed angrily.

The army of the Sky Tiger World also charged forward, and soon, the troops on both sides were fighting fiercely.

Battle cries and the metallic sounds of clashing weapons echoed through the sky.

Austin used his spiritual sense to check the strength of his enemies. He found that the white-haired elder who spoke was one of the five strongest members of the opposing side.

These five creatures each could match the grand leader of the Evil Abyss World.

The Sky Tiger World was not very strong. There was not even one creature that could match the powers of the sect ancestor in this world.

It was obvious that these five creatures were the leaders of this world.

"Ha-ha! I pity you. Do you think you weaklings can beat us? That's fucking ridiculous!" a brawny man of the Sky Tiger World snorted defiantly.

With a silver halberd in his hand, he dashed towards the Eight Stone Saints. His long hair stood on their ends, and his fighting spirit soared to the sky. He moved forward with petrifying speed, making the ground beneath rumble.

He was another one of the five strongest creatures in the Sky Tiger World. His combat effectiveness was much higher than that of Eight Stone Saints.

Austin still let out a dismissive smile. He wasn't disheartened in the slightest.


Under his control, his demonic avatar charged at the brawny man. It performed the World Sealing Tabooed Magic which created numerous black demonic runes. It sealed the brawny man and some soldiers of the Sky Tiger World who were in his vicinity.

Then, the avatar waved its black iron stick at them forcefully.

The brawny man and the others who were sealed within were smashed into the fog of blood.

Austin's demonic avatar was much more powerful than a grand leader of the Evil Abyss World. Using the World Sealing Tabooed Magic, it was not even a challenge for it to put down that brawny man.


The demonic avatar then moved on to find its next target. It zeroed in on an old woman with a walking stick in her hands. Despite her age, there was a quite fierceness to her movements. It took the demonic avatar two to three strikes to finish off her.

She too, was one of the most powerful creatures in the Sky Tiger World.

While the battle intensified, Austin didn't make a single move. Sitting cross-legged on the warship, he scanned the battlefield using his spiritual sense with a casual expression. He knew victory would be theirs.


Soon the skeleton avatar came out of Austin's Soul Sea.

It was shrouded by the spiritual sense fire that was more than ten thousand feet high. It looked like a flaming hill.

In one hand, it held a blood-colored blade. While in the other hand, it held the Supreme Spiritual Pot.

The skeleton avatar rushed into the battlefield with no further ado. It worked with Austin's demonic avatar to handle the remaining strongest creatures of the Sky Tiger World.

The joint attack of the skeleton avatar and the demonic avatar was powerful beyond words.

Now there was not even a sliver of doubt about who would win the war. The troops of the Immortal End World were mightier than their enemies.


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