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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2659

As the fight went on, dozens of cultivators fell dead on the ground, leaving only half of them still battling it out against Austin.

As a result, the number of his opponents was decreased drastically. They were no match for Austin to begin with, but now their chances were close to nothing.

The cultivators who were still alive started to come forward to surrender. As death loomed before them, they even offered their own spiritual soul orbs as a last resort.

Austin graciously accepted all of them.

"Leader Austin, you are so awesome and invincible. As time passes, you are bound to be one of the most prominent people in the entire universe.

Well, I surrender without further ado!"

In the end, the old man with white beards and hair sighed. It seemed to take an infinity, but he knelt down on one knee and gave away his spiritual soul orb.

He saw that about seventy, maybe even eighty masters had been defeated by Austin alone, so the old man admired Austin's fighting ability to greatest degree.

"That's very kind of you, sir!" said Austin. There was an earnestness in his speech.

Austin was indeed overjoyed, but he felt a pang of kindness for this old man. After taking away his spiritual soul orb, he immediately came forward and helped him up.

This old man was more powerful than other cultivators. He was also highly respected by many. If Austin could make him surrender, he would have a competent subordinate.

Seeing that the old man had decided to surrender, all the remaining masters felt no sense of resistance and followed suit.

In this fight, more than thirty cultivators had been killed by Austin.

Nearly forty of them had surrendered.

It meant that Austin had gained more than forty powerful followers. Not only that, the joint forces of more than a dozen of worlds would also be under his control.

It could be said that Austin had won a great battle and had gained treasures beyond measure.

"Leader Austin is invincible!" announced someone from the crowd.

All the people from the side of the Immortal End World were elated. They began throwing their weapons and magic treasures up into the air to express their joy. It was their way of congratulating their leader.

The creatures in the sky nearby gazed at Austin with awe.

Many of these creatures from this universe who had come to watch the battle were the senior figures and even the top leaders of the some regions in the vicinity.

"Pass along the word that we shall not antagonize the Immortal End World now on.

We must treat all the creatures from the Immortal End World as our honored guests!"

The high-level figures from the nearby area had given such an order to their own worlds.

This battle had firmly established the name of the Immortal End World.

Even though a group of powerful cultivators had joined hands, they had still not been able to fight against Austin and the Immortal End World. No one in their right minds would dare to provoke the Immortal End World from now on.

Soon, some other powerful worlds also noticed this new dynamics of power.

Austin's fame spread across the universe, even far away than before.

After the battle, Austin returned to the Immortal End World-his home.

While Elder Kevin and a group of cultivators from the Immortal End World led their troops to the worlds that had surrendered and reorganized their strength, the members at the top levels of these worlds had either surrendered or died. So the takeover was carried out smoothly.

Especially in the case of those masters who had surrendered to Austin. Their spiritual soul orbs were all under Austin's control. Austin was in the control of their lives and deaths. They did not dare to make any trouble. They only wished to follow his orders.

They cooperated and supported Elder Kevin to the best of their abilities to prove their loyalty.

Not before long, more than a dozen forces from different worlds were arranged under the command of Austin.

A strong army was formed out of the united forces.

The number of people in this army was more than ten million!

Among them, there were hundreds of masters who were above the Immortal Saint Realm.

More than forty men possessed the same strength as the grand leader of the Evil Abyss World. These were the forty masters who had surrendered to Austin at the end of the battle.

Of course, this group was mainly formed by Austin.

"Leader Austin, our army is formed by dozens of worlds. It is a kind of alliance now. A strong one!

Why don't you give a name for our alliance?"

the white haired old man asked Austin, his eyes glittering with a newfound admiration.

The old man with white hair had lived for many years and fought many great battles. He was not only powerful but also highly respected. He was also knowledgeable, talented and equipped with organization skills. Basically, he was very much like Elder Kevin.

So Austin gave him and Elder Kevin the responsibility to take care of some important things together.

"Really? I hadn't thought about that. A name..."

Austin was taken aback.

"Marcel, do you have any good names in mind?"

Austin asked with an expectant smile.

The white haired old man called himself Marcel.

"I did think about a few names and I think the name, the Immortal End Alliance is pretty nice.


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