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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2662

Five warships left the Immortal End World and headed for the Heavenly Palace.

Austin only brought a part of the elite members of the Immortal End Alliance and over two hundred thousand men with him.

The rest of his crew stayed to protect the Immortal End World. Someone had to hold the defenses up just in case the enemies pulled a fast one on them.

Austin knew that the universe was in utter chaos, so he left enough creatures to safeguard their world.

The sound of the Universe Drum was still reverberating.

Bands of creatures from different worlds were bound for the star cluster where the Heavenly Palace was located. Somewhere along the way, these forces convened, almost blocking out the light as warships and beasts covered the sky.

After traversing the infinite space for days, they finally flooded into the star cluster where the Heavenly Palace stood.

Various creatures from different worlds crowded the area.

In support of the alliance, numerous masters that most creatures would have had no chance to meet, showed up in the star cluster.

Meantime, there was a remote, quiet star cluster.

But if one looked more closely, one could see countless buildings scattered all over in the air. Shrouded in dazzling golden lights, they appeared majestic.

This was the headquarters of the Divine Sect, known to be the most mysterious force in the universe.

Ever since this sect showed up again in this universe, it had kept a low-key presence and visibility. It was cut off from other forces and other worlds.

In a grand room inside one of the palaces of the Divine Sect, a charming middle-aged man in a soft flowing white robe was sitting by an exquisite tea table, as two children carefully brewed some tea.

"Looks like the army from hell has arrived.

War is now inevitable,"

the middle-aged man murmured.

Just then, somewhere inside the Divine Sect, an old altar that had been sitting for hundreds of years, began to stir and give a mild glow.

Then just as quickly, it started to emit a brilliant golden light.

At the same time, it gave off a loud, rumbling sound, as it shook violently.

Having been abandoned for quite some time, the altar was covered with a thick layer of dust.

That this day would come was not in anyone's expectations.

As the altar came to life, enveloped in an immense aura of blinding light, the middle-aged man at the tea table felt it.

Right in front of the children, he quickly turned into a ball of golden light that seemed to have gotten sucked by an unseen force, passing through walls and more than a dozen palaces. In a flash, he arrived in front of the old altar.

At this point, the light radiating from the altar became more and more radiant.

Then, a figure appeared at the altar.

It turned out to be a very ordinary looking old man. He was dressed in a yellow robe with the pattern of the eight diagrams.


the middle-aged man greeted as he bowed to the old man.

"I'm sorry to have made you stay here for so long,"

the elder said with a nod.

"Please don't say that.

This place is very peaceful and quiet, very suitable for cultivating. I kind of like it here,"

the middle-aged man replied humbly.

"I'm glad to hear that.

But now, I need you to do something for me.

This is very important. I hope you will not let me down,"

the elder said.

"Master, I am completely at your disposal,"

the middle-aged man replied, his head still slightly bowing.

"I got news that Peterson the Taoist Ancestor who left the Immortal World, probably took refuge here and then died of serious injuries.


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