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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2666

"Yes, that's it! It must be the spiritual tree!"

He recalled the huge tree he had seen in Austin's Soul Sea.

"This brat doesn't deserve a spiritual tree. I am the real worthy owner of such a treasure! It must belong to me!"

Dennis screamed excitedly in his heart. Obviously he thought too much of himself.

However, his feelings were inside. Outwardly, he didn't even look at Austin. He merely closed his eyes and began to rest.

Damon looked sternly at Dennis before he sat down again. Something was off!

However, both the Evil Shadow King and Damon were cautious. As they sat down, they released a part of their spiritual sense to protect Austin in case Dennis tried to play another trick and attacked him.


Austin, I didn't expect you to be here so early."

A few moments later, Elroy, the head of the Tang Clan of the Tycoon World, arrived with a group of his people.

The Tang Clan was the most powerful force on the entire Tycoon World. Every other force across the whole planet was led by it. Once an order was issued by the Tang Clan, even autonomous organizations had to follow it!

"Mr. Elroy!"

Austin hurried ahead to greet the company.

The Evil Shadow King and Damon had already heard of the reputation that had preceded Elroy for a long time. Considering their relationship with Austin, they also greeted him warmly.

The three sect ancestors soon were engrossed in an excited chat.

Austin stayed with them too.


The leader of the Triangle Palace is here in person!"

Suddenly, a low voice came resounded in the space.

A majestic army was marching in from the distance.

The leader of this army was an old man clad in a yellow robe. Instead of thick beard, he had three long, thin streaks of hair and held a sword in his hand. He was dressed completely like a Taoist.

Instead of standing in front, the old man was sitting cross legged on a shiny cattail hassock.

And that hassock was flying across the air at an incredibly fast pace.

"Look! The forces of the Star Island are also here!"

someone shouted again.

In the distance, dozens of ancient warships, huge in size and number, tore across the void and rushed forwards. With them came the smell of a salty sea.

"The chief of the Star Island has come to personally lead the forces here!"

Someone noticed a strong man standing on the top of one of those ancient warship. His blue cloak was flying in the wind like a huge blue bat flapping its wings.

After that, more and more powerful forces came one after another.

"Am I seeing that right?

There is a giant hawk over there in the distance. It seems to be carrying a flag of the Sky Phoenix Kingdom!

The emperor of the Sky Phoenix Kingdom secluded himself and went into isolation a long time ago. I didn't expect to see him come too!"

"Yes indeed! That is the flag of the Sky Phoenix Kingdom!"

many people exclaimed all of a sudden. They could easily recognize that famous insignia.

And the figure soon became visible as a colorful and auspicious cloud floated over from the distance. It was very large and blotted out the sun, casting a huge shadow on the world.

Very soon, this cloud came closer and the cloudy appearance turned out to be a giant hawk flying with its wings open.

The giant hawk was made up of seven colors, and its wingspan was easily tens of thousands of miles long. It was just too huge to be allowed.

A huge army was standing on the back of this transcendental creature and they were flying a huge flag.

And on that flag, was a soaring phoenix. A famous insignia!

The arrival of the colorful giant hawk caused quite a bit of a stir.

Even Austin looked at the colorful bird in surprise. He had never seen such a thing.


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