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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2672

Not so long ago, the old man in front of him killed most of the troops of the corpse soldiers in the Tomb Star Cluster.

Moreover, he was the one who gave Austin the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor.

Austin didn't expect to come across the old man for the third time.

"Well, little guy. We meet again,"

the old man said with a smile, staring at Austin with calm and gentle look.

"It's nice to meet you, sir."

Austin hurried forward and bowed to show his respect.

This old man was far more powerful than the leader of the Heavenly Palace!

Austin wouldn't think about messing with them.

"It must be fate that brought us together.

This is the third time we have met.

Perhaps, everything is destined to happen,"

the old man said.

But, Austin couldn't understand what he was talking about and he didn't dare to ask him about it.

When facing such a powerful master, Austin knew he should be as modest as possible.

"How much do you know about the underworld and the corpse soldiers?"

the old man suddenly asked Austin.

"The underworld?"

Austin was stunned.

"Not much.

But I know that the corpse soldiers are controlled by a special rune,"

Austin answered.

He had captured a few corpse soldiers in the Tomb Star Cluster and studied them as specimens.

"Well, that's right.

I didn't expect you to know that. It's not easy to figure that out."

The old man nodded with satisfaction.

"The underworld is a very mysterious place.

There's a saying that the ultimate mysteries of reincarnation will be answered when all living things in the world come to an end,"

the old man wisely said.

"The secret of reincarnation!

Could a person... be reincarnated after death?!"

Austin shockingly asked.

He wouldn't believe those words if someone else had said it.

But it seemed truthful coming from the old man's mouth.

His powers must have helped him figure out the many secrets of the world.

"I'm not sure.

But I hope it's true.

Because if it is, I may have a chance to meet with people who have already succumbed to their death,"

the old man said with a sigh.

The thought reminded him of some sad memories.

"Those corpse soldiers are the underworld's tools to fight.

The ambition of the chief of the underworld has been growing over the past few eras. He wants to expand his territory. And the only way he could do that is by going to war along with many powerful forces.

Every once in a while, the underworld would send people to remote areas and carry out large-scale hunting operations.

That is how they get more corpse soldiers. Then, they enslave them to serve the forces of the underworld,"

the old man explained, his voice as soft as a whisper.

"I see!"

Austin was extremely shocked.

This was absolutely one of the universe's great secrets!

The corpse disaster had happened before ever since the ancient times.

Austin had met several masters who had been studying the truth behind the corpse disaster.

But none of them knew the answer.

He never expected that this old man was the one who could explain the truth!

If the news spread out, it would be a big deal.


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