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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2697

With the laughter, a mottled old light portal appeared above the altar, in which a figure slowly stepped out!

The figure seemed to be human, complete with all the features of a human body. He wore a black robe and had a handsome face.

But if one took a closer look, it would become more noticeable that the figure's face was pale and lifeless, as if he had been suffering from a serious illness.

"Ha ha, I'm finally back to the Evil Abyss World.

It feels so good to come back to my hometown!"

The middle-aged man landed on the altar, opened his arms, and took a deep breath. He savored and intoxicated himself with the air he inhaled.

"Welcome back, Devil Ancestor Thanos!"

At this moment, all the members of the demon race around him shouted in unison.

"Well, it's been a long time."

Devil Ancestor Thanos slowly glanced at the demons around the altar and nodded.

"I've been away for such a long time. Has anything happened in the Evil Abyss World that I need to know?"

asked Devil Ancestor Thanos.

"Sir, nothing serious has happened in our Evil Abyss World during your long period of absence. Not since the ancient times.

However, ever since you left, all the parts of the Evil Abyss World have grown extremely incompatible and hostile against each other. They are now like scattered sand.

This has greatly reduced our prestige as a force to reckon with, in the universe.

Now, the reputation of our Evil Abyss World in the universe is far inferior to that of the Heavenly Palace.

Devil Ancestor Thanos, you have returned at the right time. With your leadership, our Evil Abyss World will definitely become a solid whole and will be revitalized in the universe!"

a master as powerful as a sect ancestor answered.

"Well, it won't be a difficult task.

Now that I'm here, I will reunite the Evil Abyss World.

By the way, have you identified the whereabouts of the holy weapon of our Evil Abyss World, the Diabolic Killing Needle?"

asked Devil Ancestor Thanos.


All the demons around the altar were in a daze, wondering why the demon ancestor suddenly asked about the long lost holy weapon.

"There has been no news of the holy weapon, Devil Ancestor Thanos,"

a demon master answered.

"Have you ever heard that there are 12 holy trees in our universe?"

asked Devil Ancestor Thanos again.

"Twelve holy trees? What..."

The demons around the altar looked at each other with confused looks on their faces.

"Yes! I remember the news that twelve holy trees had indeed appeared in this universe.

They are in the Ancient Forbidden Land!"

a demon shouted.

Then, he related in detail the news that all the worlds sent people from all walks of life into the Ancient Forbidden Land to search for the God's Burial Ground. At last, they found the supreme holy tree, and the supreme holy tree later revealed the image of the other eleven holy trees one by one. Devil Ancestor Thanos quietly listened as the demon told all this.

"That's good to know! Haha...


I made the right decision to come back!

From now on, I am counting on you to do your best to find the twelve holy trees!"

Devil Ancestor Thanos was overjoyed at what the demon had reported.

"What? What is going on?" Devil Ancestor Thanos suddenly asked as all the demons kept quiet.

"I can't believe that there are two sect ancestors who just broke into this world. They look to have been seriously injured,"

Devil Ancestor Thanos murmured as his facial expression changed.

His spiritual sense was extremely powerful and sharp. No matter what happened in the Eighteenth Demonic World, it would surely be picked up by his sharp perception.


Suddenly, Devil Ancestor Thanos stretched out his huge hand formed by the evil aura. He motioned with the hand and touched a certain spot in the air. Immediately, the sky darkened as clouds filled every inch of the sky, blotting out the sun.

It wasn't visible at first, but a short moment after, in the skies over the Eighteenth Demonic World, two clouds, much darker than the surroundings came floating in the air.

One of the two clouds carried a ferocious head while the other contained a phantom figure.

They were Devil Ancestor Bale and Devil Ancestor Javier.

"Bale, please remember that Devil Ancestor Thanos has been gone for a long, long time.

Do you think we can find him just by breaking in like this?

Even if we can find him, he won't certainly help us get our revenge,"

said Devil Ancestor Javier.

"Don't worry. As long as we can find him and tell him that the Diabolic Killing Needle is in the hands of that cursed human, Austin, he will definitely side with us. I am sure he will want to kill Austin just to get it,"

Devil Ancestor Bale's head replied.

All of a sudden, a giant demonic hand stretched out at an amazing speed from above and grabbed both Devil Ancestor Bale and Devil Ancestor Javier in one swipe.

"Argh! What the hell is going on?"

Devil Ancestor Bale and Devil Ancestor Javier were scared out of their wits, screaming like hell.

Bang! Crash!


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