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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2705

Across the starry sky outside the Immortal End World, the army of the Immortal End Alliance waited quietly.

Flags were raised high as countless swords and spears radiated in the cold light. Tens of millions of warriors positioned themselves across the boundless sky.

Despite the countless numbers of warriors, the entire upper atmosphere remained  unusually quiet.

Austin hovered above the ground with his legs crossed in front of him. His face was calm as he sat across the enormous army.

The little infinity beast settled on Austin's right shoulder, while the divine silkworm stationed itself on his left shoulder.

The Eight Stone Saints, Master Kevin, Zenith, the soldier, the supreme grandmasters of the devil insect race and the masters of the Immortal End Alliance all stood beside Austin.

Members of the Immortal End Alliance remained in their position quietly. Their hearts filled with fear and uncertainty.

After all, the Yaksha Palace had sent out a strong platoon of army this time. Five strong sect ancestors came to fight against the Immortal End World. But what terrified them most was the one who headed the army. At the frontline was the vice leader of the Yaksha Palace, Dennis.

The army was composed of ruthless and deadly force. Their presence was a threat to any alliance.

They were faced with a savage war. Austin knew it was going to be bloody, but he remained confident.

"Ha-ha! Don't worry. I will finish them once and for all today!

Once I am done killing this savage group of people, we Immortal End Alliance will wipe out the entire Yaksha Palace.


Only then will the Yaksha Palace understand that declaring war against us is a big mistake,"

Austin said with a smile. He could feel the tension in the air, and he recognized the fear on the faces of the members of the Immortal End Alliance.

'What? Did I hear him right?'

Members of the Immortal End Alliance were shocked upon hearing Austin's words.

They stared at Austin with a mixed feeling of astonishment and disbelief.

For them, it was hard to say who would win the battle.

From where they stood, the strength of the Immortal End Alliance was not enough to defeat the enemy.

But to their surprise, Austin declared that he would kill all these people and will continue to destroy the Yaksha Palace!

He was so confident! How they wished they could share Austin's confidence and optimism.

Just above the clouds, a large group of creatures came to watch the fight. They were petrified after hearing what Austin said and almost chocked on his words. It was unimaginable to defeat the opposing army, much more destroy the entire Yaksha Palace.

"The chief of the Immortal End World, Austin, is so arrogant!"

the creatures whispered among each other.

Austin knew what they were thinking and smiled to himself.

With the new demonic avatar, Austin could defeat even the leader of the Yaksha Palace. Let alone Dennis, the vice leader.

Also, Austin now had the power to order the evil demon army of the Evil Abyss World!

Even if most of the demon masters from the eighteen worlds of the Evil Abyss World had been swallowed up by Devil Ancestor Thanos, there were still many powerful warriors left.

For some reason, they escaped death.

Some devil masters avoided death because they were not in the Evil Abyss World at that time.

While some devil masters were in seclusion, practicing their martial arts. They were not aware of what was happening and they failed to heed the call to see Devil Ancestor Thanos.

As for the devil masters of the Eighteenth Demonic World, none of them was killed because Devil Ancestor Thanos considered them his own people.

The Eighteenth Demonic World was the most powerful demonic world in the Evil Abyss World. Nearly ten devil masters at the same level as the sect ancestor inhabited this world.

Austin took into account the total number of great masters in the Evil Abyss World. There were fourteen devil masters at the same level as the sect ancestor.

In addition, there were billions of evil warriors in the Eighteenth Demonic World, and they were a force to reckon with.

With all this under his command, Austin was sure of his victory.

"And don't forget about me! Rest assured; I will give you a hand when necessary."

Surprised, Austin received an assuring message.

The message came from the supreme grandmaster of the hybrid titan race, Damon.

"Thank you very much, sir.

For now, I do not need your help. I have enough force to defeat my enemy,"

Austin replied with a confident voice.

"Really? Well, if you are confident with your decision. So be it."

Damon stood more than a hundred thousand miles away from Austin. He knew what Austin was up against, and it surprised him to see Austin calm and confident.

"Ha-ha! Boy, let me see what you can do! I will monitor the situation and will be on standby for you!"

Damon shouted.

"Austin, Dennis is a powerful opponent, and he has a powerful army.

It might be best to take Caroline and your people from the Immortal End World to my Evil Shadow World."

Another voice echoed in Austin's Soul Sea. He sounded sincere and worried.

It came from the Evil Shadow King, Austin's father-in-law.

"Don't worry. It is not as serious as you think,"


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