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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2708

"Here comes the army of the abyss demon race from the Evil Abyss World!"

All the creatures in the starry sky could not help but shake in fear upon seeing the band of those blood-thirsty soldiers.

The abyss demon race from the Evil Abyss World was feared throughout the whole universe.

They were once tyrants of the universe. Everything and everyone was under the rule of their iron fist.

However, eras ago when Devil Ancestor Thanos traveled faraway, the Evil Abyss World began to collapse. Forces within it began fighting each other for more power. As a result, the Evil Abyss World began to weaken. Not long after, they began to lose their influence on the whole universe.

Despite the Evil Abyss World being weakened, many people still feared them. They did not dare to provoke demons from the Evil Abyss World.

Now, seeing the once great army appearing again in the starry sky left everyone in shock.

But what was most surprising was that there were a total of fifteen sect ancestors in charge of the army.

This force struck fear into those people's hearts.

The demonic soldiers swiftly swept through the starry sky, radiating overwhelmingly powerful demonic power while doing so.

"What are they doing here?"

"It's weird that the armies of the Yaksha and the Immortal End Alliance are joining arms. Do they plan on exploiting this advantage?"

All of the creatures murmured among themselves.

"Have you forgotten? The Immortal End World and the Third Demonic World are mortal enemies.

Austin, the leader of the Immortal End World, had killed several grand leaders. Even the powerful Devil Ancestor Bale was severely injured when he waged war against the Immortal End World.

How could the abyss demon race accept the defeat and humiliation?

Now, the army of the Evil Abyss World is here to take revenge on the Immortal End World and Austin,"

a creature said.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot that happened.

It seems that these devil soldiers are coming to turn the Immortal End World into ruins."

"The Immortal End World will surely lose this time.

The sheer strength of the joint forces of the Yaksha Palace and the Evil Abyss World will be overwhelming for the Immortal End World."

The creatures around realized that there was no other reason that the demonic army came to the Immortal End World than to get even with Austin.

After all, the feud between the Immortal End World and the Third Demonic World was no secret in the whole universe. Almost all of the creatures knew about this.

"Austin, what should we do? Those bastards are here to destroy the Immortal End World."

Kevin, Zenith, the Eight Stone Saints, some soldiers and dozens of masters from the Immortal End World all gathered nervously around Austin.

The evil army consisted of 15 sect ancestors. They would never survive that!

"Ha-ha, don't worry.

We'll just wait and see their next move,"

Austin said calmly.


Kevin and other people were thrown aback by Austin's composure.

But they knew Austin would keep the Immortal End World safe. So his calmness brought a little relief.

"Ha-ha. You deserve this! This is payment for all the troubles you've made!

Let's see how you're going to handle it,"

Dennis said to Austin with a cold smile.

Apparently, he also believed that these devil soldiers came to make trouble for Austin.

Then, Dennis rushed toward the evil army.

The demons form the Evil Abyss World was so big and intimidating a force that they couldn't be ignored in the whole universe.

He wanted to take this opportunity to build a good relationship with the powerful demon army.

"Ha-ha, hello, everyone. I'm Dennis, the deputy chief of the Yaksha Palace. People like to call me Unstoppable Swordsman. I am very honored to meet all of you today."

Dennis put on a friendly smile and saluted a dozen sect ancestors leading the devil army.

His tone was very kind and pleasant. He tried to befriend them.


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