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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2726

"Go with you? What gives you the idea?"

Austin turned to look at the childlike girl with a puzzled expression.

"The immortal guard can never be killed.

No matter how strong you are, you can't defeat him. At least not alone.

You saved the two of us just now and we want to save your life too. We can make our way together.

Don't hesitate anymore. Just follow me and hurry; the immortal guard is coming,"

the girl said anxiously. Obviously, the immortal guard was invincible according to her and there was no way anyone could defeat him.

Austin knew that the immortal guard she was talking about was the same middle-aged Taoist who was made by power of faith.

Austin had to admit that the Taoist's fighting power was rather terrifying.

"All right."

Austin nodded.

However, at that moment, Austin suddenly heard the supreme holy tree's advice.

"Austin, there's no need to escape. I detect something extraordinary on this continent,"

the supreme holy tree was saying.

It had been inside the Slave Tower all this time, but now it seemed to have sensed what was going on in the outside world.

"I don't have to escape? Why?"

Austin was stunned.

"Trust me! Just tell these girls that they are dead, and are just in the form of their souls. Believe me. They are not alive anymore! Tell them that!"

the supreme holy tree told Austin.


They are dead?"

Austin was shocked when he heard this. The two girls looked so real and so alive.

"Just try it. What have you got to lose?"

The holy yellow tree also sent a spiritual message to Austin.

Austin nodded and then looked at the two girls. Somehow, he didn't have the heart to say what he had to say.

"Listen! You two are actually dead, and what we are seeing are just pieces of your souls. Stop pretending that you are still alive,"

Austin called out.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Hearing Austin's words, the two girls instantly screamed in a panicked and angry tone, staring at him fiercely.


Austin's heart missed a beat. The two girls indeed seemed a little abnormal. Could it be that they really were dead?

"You two are dead,"

Austin repeated flatly.

"No! I want to be alive!"

the girl in the pink dress screamed.

But then her body began to become dark.

"Don't say that to me!"

The other girl also kept retreating, seemingly in great pain at this realization.

'No way!'

Austin was confused.

'Wait. Why am I confused? I mean I can see through all illusions with my Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor!'

Austin recalled. He opened his third eye and looked at the two girls.

He then saw clearly that the girls in front of him really were just two white shadows. Most of their bodies were made up of power of faith!

"What the hell's going on? "

Austin was perplexed.

"I think I know what!"

The supreme holy tree laughed as it came out of the Slave Tower.

The other three holy trees followed it too.

"You see Austin, every single creature on this continent is lifeless.

They are just made up of broken souls and the power of faith,"

the supreme holy tree explained.


Austin was shocked.

This was so weird to even think about. There were hundreds of creatures on the whole continent but none of them were real. Instead, everyone was made up of broken souls and power of faith.

"You're all dead and now you are just broken souls which still exist in nature. It's just your obsession to being alive. Just let it go, and be at peace,"

the holy yellow tree said to the two girls.

The holy yellow tree could absorb the energy from the law power of all the worlds. So it was also full of Taoist force. This sentence seemed like a blow to the gut of the two girls, since it had an instant effect.

The two girls were immediately shocked and seemed to realize something all of a sudden.

Their bodies gradually became translucent at first, and eventually turned into two white shadows.

"It's just a dream.

But it'd be better for us to wake up from it. We might have a chance to be reincarnated,"

the childlike girl sighed.

"You are a good man,"


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