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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2729

One by one, all the masters released tremendous energy. They all showcased their various skills as they formed giant hands that reached for the eight holy trees.

Seeing their powers work together was terrifying to behold. The energy radiating from them choked the air between the earth and sky. It came in waves and waves, threatening to devour the entire world.

It was too late now for Austin to execute his plans.

He wanted to teleport the eight holy trees into his Slave Tower and leave through the void, but the masters had now sealed the entire area with their energy.

Even with his abilities in spatial power, he couldn't break through the energy barrier surrounding them.

Austin gritted his teeth and took out the two pots again. The two pots grew larger and larger until they reached the size of two mountains and stood in front of him like guards.

With two explosive sounds, the two pots were knocked off into the air, leaving two dark holes in their wake.

Austin soon followed after he got hit by an impressive force of energy. He spewed out blood as he was thrown into the air.

Tremendous energy rushed into his body, with a force that almost shattered his body.

Suddenly, the door to the secret realm of his heart opened. Out came a deity bathed in light. It opened its mouth and a galaxy of stars spilled out of it.

At this moment, Austin's body flared like a bright fire.

It fended off the evil energy surging inside him.

Even though his injuries were fatal, it was healed by his Phoenix Nirvana Skills.

Amazed by the newfound power brought by the deity within him, Austin could not help but be pleasantly surprised.

"What the hell?"

All the masters stared in shock as they witnessed how Austin recovered so rapidly despite their joint attacks. He had just puked out blood and yet he was perfectly fine now.

Immediately, they all scrambled to reach the eight holy trees.

"Damn it! Brothers, why are you still sleeping? We're going to be taken away. Wake up, Sherman!"

The supreme holy tree roared at the other four sleeping trees. It shook them violently, trying to wake them up.

The four giant trees seemed to have finally sensed their brother's plea. Divine lights lit up their branches and leaves, filling up the whole sky.

"They're finally waking up!"

Austin was overjoyed at the sight.

"Let us join forces to create the array!"

One of the recently awakened trees ordered as soon as it realized what was happening.

Suddenly, all the eight trees lit up at the same time. Energy ran throughout their trunks, branches and leaves. The air rippled around them.

Their auras merged with one another, creating a golden pagoda above their heads.

It shrouded the eight holy trees completely, while a deafening noise rumbled ceaselessly.


Yellow energy came out from the golden pagoda in waves, rushing out to all directions like a raging sea.


The leader of the Heavenly Palace was the first to charge at it, but he was only thrown back as soon as his attack collided with the rippling energy.

The rest of the masters began launching their attacks at the golden pagoda. But the energy around it was so strong that all their attacks were blocked.

"Come on in, boy!"

The supreme holy tree shouted at Austin, allowing him to hide under the protection of the golden pagoda.

Austin was overjoyed. He grabbed all the people of the devil race with his enlarged hand and teleported them all into his Slave Tower. He then dashed towards the eight holy trees with his demonic avatar.

The golden pagoda shone brilliantly above the holy trees, letting off such immense energy that it disturbed the air around them.

Not one of the masters could get through it.

"That's awesome!"

Austin could not help but exclaim in admiration.

"This is not a big deal. If we twelve brothers combine our powers together, we can kill any genuine immortals as if they are just animals,"

the supreme holy tree said with pride.

"They are really the chaotic immortal trees!"


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