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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2731

Violet casted her gaze upon Austin.

"I'll stay with you, master," she said.

The gnome, on the other hand, informed Austin, "I'll explore this place on my own."

After a short pause, Austin eventually nodded in agreement. He shifted his attention towards Sherman and awaited its response.

"All right," Sherman muttered after a few seconds of silence. "I will give you all the rest of it."

As it recognized what Austin desired, it threw the two big cloth bags at Austin.

Austin bent down and opened the bags. Reaching out his hands and fumbling inside, he obtained ten Purple Thunder Bombs and handed them over to the gnome. As the latter received the items, he immediately rushed towards the palaces.

The extent of the gnome's power could match a master at the Immortal King Realm. He was proficient at spatial power, and his spiritual sense was commendable. Even from a faraway distance, he could perceive danger, thereby avoiding unnecessary damage before it could happen.

As Austin watched the gnome speed towards the palaces, he curled his lip in complacency—he didn't have to worry about the gnome. He was strong enough to fend for himself.

Then, he turned his head and addressed Caroline, Ivy, and Sue, "Girls, you're coming with me."

As soon as Austin said so, these three attractive women immediately rushed into his side.

All three of them would go to hell and back even without Austin's request. After all, he was their husband. They all trusted him that he would keep them safe. For them, they would always be home in his presence.

Obviously, the divine silkworm and the little infinity beast would explore the palace with Austin. They jumped on his shoulders merrily.

Then, Austin once again opened the cloth bags and fished out the Purple Thunder Bombs. He handed them to Bray, Stacy, and Peacock Princess.

Austin valued his friendships, and he cared for them deeply. He always looked out for them and sought out what would be best for them. After all, they were still young, and their cultivation base was relatively lower.

Therefore, Austin didn't mind sharing the treasures with them.

After that, he transported all the evil creatures out of the Slave Tower. He asked his demonic avatar to pretend to be Devil Ancestor Thanos and let it go to protect the creatures of Immortal End World with the evil creatures.

"Brat, you're really a good leader.

But sometimes, you just worry too much.

Every cultivator has to go through their own setbacks and difficulties in life to enhance their power.

If you keep on wrapping them on cotton wool, they would eventually have to rely on you.

Think about it, did anyone protect you before the way you are protecting them now?"

The holy yellow tree shook its head in disapproval. It reminded Austin that he had to step back once in a while to allow his friends spread their own wings.

This remark actually flipped a switch within Austin.

He furrowed his brows in deep thought. 'The holy tree had a good point. I do worry too much.'

He felt like he had more responsibility to protect the people as he got even stronger.

Therefore, he became a tad bit overprotective towards anyone who needed his help.


You're right. I'll just let them be!

Let's go!"

Austin slumped his shoulders and allowed himself to ease a bit. He let his worries subside for now and trusted that his friends would be able to get by.

Sherman led the group, flying into the distance, with Austin and his companions closely following him.

So far, the people who had entered the Celestial Palace were the men from the underworld, the Divine Sect, the Heavenly Palace, the Yaksha Palace and some other powerful forces.

Austin, along with the eight holy trees, had stepped into the Celestial Palace ahead of them. The palace was vast and it occupied a large area. Endless colorful clouds and fogs surrounded the whole place, making the spiritual sense unable to work.

Therefore, the great masters who looked for Austin and the holy trees through their spiritual sense had a hard time doing so.

"Let's split up and search for that holy tree," a middle-aged man clad in a purple robe boomed to his men. He balled his fists in frustration, and added, "Once any of us finds it, we have to inform each other."

He dismissively waved his hands and, like dandelion seeds, he and his people all flew in different directions.

One of the three masters from the underworld also had a mission to fulfill. "Split into three teams, and act separately!" he bellowed.

His eyes were narrowed, rigid, and cold.

As he ordered them to do so, the three masters rushed into the distance, and each of them took a group of corpse soldiers with them.

Members from the Heavenly Palace, the Yaksha Palace, the Star Island, and the Sword Palace were also split in groups to maximize their efforts.

Meanwhile, more and more people from various forces were crowding in the Celestial Palace.

The Celestial Palace had become relevant once again, attracting the attention of numerous creatures in the whole universe.

They were all swarming like locusts towards the palace.

Among these crowds congregating towards the Celestial Palace were people from the Evil Shadow World, the Tycoon World and the Ancient Celestial World.

Evil Shadow King, Elroy, and Damon were spearheading their troops.

They hadn't had the opportunity to see Austin just yet since they journeyed to the palace late.

Within the Celestial Palace, the middle-aged man from the Divine Sect moved forward.


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