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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2743

Next, under Austin's lead, the Immortal End Alliance, the abyss demon race, the Evil Shadow King, and the Ancient Celestial World united to kill the members of the Yaksha Palace and the Sword Palace.

Austin, his demonic avatar, the Evil Shadow King, Damon, and other masters were in charge of this new alliance. Wherever they went, all the people from the Yaksha Palace and the Sword Palace that they had come across could not escape the unidirectional bloodbath. It was inevitable annihilation.

Even the man in purple from the Divine Sect, the three masters from the underworld, and the leader of the Yaksha Palace had all been defeated by Austin. Who else would dare step up and go against him?

Besides, the power of the demonic avatar was also very strong. It was just a little weaker than the renowned masters such as the leader of the Heavenly Palace and the leader of the Yaksha Palace.

If Austin cooperated with the demonic avatar, no one could ever defeat him wherever he went!

The Evil Shadow King and Damon knew that Austin was exceedingly powerful seeing him put on the robe that could bring him massive amounts of power of faith.

Both of them admired Peterson the Taoist Ancestor, who made this magnificent robe.

In the Celestial Palace, led by Austin, the cultivators from the four worlds got together and pursued the members of the Yaksha Palace and the Sword Palace.

"Gather all our people. This is it. We must fight to the death!"

The ancestors of the two sects, the Yaksha Palace and the Sword Palace, were fuming madly. They quickly assembled the scattered members.

The two sects were well-known forces in the universe. During the past few years, they had even become almost as powerful as the Heavenly Palace.

In the eyes of the two sects, the Immortal End World, the Evil Shadow World, and the Ancient Celestial World were all just small and insignificant worlds.

What they really cared about was the abyss demon race from the Evil Abyss World.

"Austin, you son of a whore! I will send you to hell where you belong!"

The senior members from the Yaksha Palace and the Sword Palace rushed to the front of the line, roaring angrily.

"You must be kidding. You think you can kill me? Have you all been living under a rock?"

Austin sneered and rushed forward with the demonic avatar ready to send his attackers to their deaths.

"Look! The decisive battle between the two sides has begun!"

"I had never dreamed that I would be able to witness such a large-scale battle when I entered the Celestial Palace!"

"It is said that Austin and the Yaksha Palace have been in a deep conflict for a long time. It is inevitable that a fierce battle between them will break out sooner or later. I just didn't expect it to happen so quickly."

"I was totally surprised that the Evil Shadow World, the Ancient Celestial World, and the abyss demon race would choose to help Austin. It's incredible that a young man like him has such popularity among them."

There were many creatures passing by and they all stopped to watch and talk about it. The whole place was abuzz, with everyone having something to say about Austin.

Not too long ago, when Austin defeated the man in purple from the Divine Sect, the three masters from the underworld, and the leader of the Yaksha Palace, there were no outsiders watching them. Ordinary creatures rarely had the opportunity to witness such fights among powerful cultivators.

But now it wasn't just a fight between two sides, it was a showdown. The large number of combatants was significant.

Many creatures from near and far had come to watch such a rare event. Consequently, the place was packed to the brim with people.

The reappearance of the Celestial Palace attracted most of the worlds in this universe and they all sent their members over to explore the palace.

Up to now, there were already tens of millions of creatures who had entered the Celestial Palace!

At this moment, the fierce battle had already begun.

"The Yaksha Palace abused and harassed our Immortal End World countless times, and now it's time for you to pay the debt and suffer the consequences!" roared Austin.

He waved the fly whisk making it transform into thousands of white dragons that rolled and rushed forward with terrifying energy.


A painful scream rang out as a sect ancestor from the Yaksha Palace had just been torn to shreds by the merciless claws of the white dragons.

The demonic avatar carried out the eighth level of the World Sealing Tabooed Magic, which made a sect ancestor of the Sword Palace come to a halt for a moment. Then the Diabolic Killing Needle swept over, reducing him into a spray of blood.


Gasping in unison, all the people who witnessed the scene could not help but be astonished.

They were screaming inwardly, 'Those are two sect ancestors! But they were killed in just one strike! That was freaking crazy!

How can a sect ancestor be so vulnerable?

I never thought they could be killed in just the blink of an eye!'

"Devil Ancestor Thanos, do you really want to protect Austin and become an enemy of our Sword Palace?"

a master from the Sword Palace shouted angrily.

"Does it even matter, you pathetic little fool?

When I'm done with it, you won't have anything to call the Sword Palace,"


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