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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 275

Five Wolf Generals of the Blood Wolf Team were exclusively sent out to kill Austin.

The five Wolf Generals meant to corner and kill Austin near the Sun Mountain. However, after some investigation, it was clear that Austin was not in the Sun Sect, but in Peace Town.

They immediately left for Peace Town.

Blood Wolf Team's spies were almost everywhere, spread out over the Violet Orchid Empire. On their arrival in Peace Town, they sent their men to search every inch and seek out Austin.

Peace Town was a town, going by its name, but its numerous population and vast territory impressed one as a small city.

It was definitely not easy to seek out a person in such a place. . . .

Austin sat in a room belonging to a tavern in Peace Town.

A purple-brown herbal pot accompanied with ten doses of medical materials sat in front of him.

This time, Austin still planned to refine the muscle-generating powder, which was actually an elixir and not a powder as against its name.

Austin was doing this to learn the process of extracting the essence of the herbs.

He had almost mastered the extracting steps and all he had to do was to practice more in order to speed up the process.

Only after you got rid of the impurities could you get the essence of the herbs. And only after that could you blend them into one elixir.

And because of this, the refining process was the most basic yet most important step of them all.

Every pill refiner, including the high-ranked ones, would practice this basic step as often as they could to get the ideal speed and purity.

The more attention paid to the refining process, the purer was the herb essence. And purer essence meant a more qualified elixir.

Clearly, Austin had a great understanding of the importance of this basic step.

Five of the ten doses of medical materials at hand were used to practice extracting the herb's essences, and the other five to practice blending the essences.

Austin released a breath he had been holding. He then put his hands on the underside of the herbal pot. A stream of golden fire, driven by the vital energy, started transferring through to the hand.

And then, without warning, the fire simmering in his hand, rushed into the herbal pot.

Egged on by the herbal pot, the fire multiplied in intensity in a matter of seconds.

Austin tossed another muscle-gathering herb into the pot from above.

Austin's spiritual sense entered the herbal pot. He was able to grasp the herb's location and temperature. Human eyes could not possibly get a better view than that.

The flicker of the fire would affect eyesight, but not the spiritual sense in the slightest.

After learning the exact location and the temperature, Austin realized that he ought to lower the flame, or there was a danger of the muscle-generating herb burning to ashes.

So he used his mind to change the direction and power of the fire, thus lowering the temperature a little.

Moments after reaching the perfect temperature that the muscle-generating herb needed, it started to shed its bark. The herbal juice roasted to a point where all was left of it was some kind of white powder.

Austin sighed. He recalled that six or seven doses of medical materials had been wasted when he had first tried to refine elixirs. After that, he had found success in getting some essences of the medical materials.

But it seemed to go very well this time and he had succeeded without any waste.

His heart leapt with joy.

His hand moved slightly as he tossed one vigor-generating fruit into the herbal pot. With the help of his spiritual sense, he changed the direction and power of his vital energy to get the perfect flame with which to roast the vigor-generating fruit. Moments later, a handful of blackish pellets emerged in the herbal pot, floating beside the newly refined white muscle-generating power.

There was a specific space for medical essences that had already been refined.

There was no fire or place for it in this space.

The essences of the blood-nourishing herb and the five-tail herb were achieved one by one along with the others, lining themselves up in the specific space.

It was high time to blend the different kinds of essences together.

All of the essences had to be blended together in just the right proportions, or it would badly impair the quality and the power of the final elixir.

Blending different kinds of herbal essences was yet another important basic skill.

It was not any less important than the process of extracting the essences.

So, Austin put his whole heart into it.


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