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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2751

Austin walked into the stone cave.

Inside the cave, he discovered a secret path that led into the farther depths of the cave. It was well hidden and he thought the Eight Stone Saints probably found it only through accident.

The walls of the cave weren't just stone. Instead, countless glittering white crystals were inlaid on it, which were emitting a terrifying energy.

Walking inside the cave somehow felt just like wandering in sky. It was a strange feeling he didn't know how to put in words.

After walking for about ten miles, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. In a trance, Austin found himself arrive at a huge and bright space.

This place was glittering with various colors, formed by the stalactites hanging overhead. The whole atmosphere was colorful and dense with energy.

Austin looked up at the stalactites and found that the energy in between them was even denser. These stalactites weren't what they looked.

Each one of them seemed to have been made up of the essence of heaven and earth, and was shining and glittering with fairy light.

Austin released his spiritual sense and found that the space around him was boundless. There was no end to it.


Austin's eyes swept over something in front of him, and his heart skipped a beat.

Not far away on the ground, decayed and broken corpses in horrible shape, blood, and broken pieces of flesh were lying helter-skelter.

Obviously, a fierce battle had taken place here.

"These people were from the Sword Palace!"

Austin narrowed his eyes as he recognized the weapons and clothes of these corpses had carried.

'Is it possible that after entering this cave, the Eight Stone Saints were ambushed by people from the Sword Palace?'

Austin thought to himself and a sullen expression appeared on his face.

'If anything bad happens to my friends, I swear that the Sword Palace is doomed.' Flames of fury were rising in his mind and his eyes were already red

and flashing with a murderous look.

Austin took a deep breath and then rushed through that strange space at an impossible speed.

Along the way, he saw several more corpses of people from the Sword Palace scattered all over. The broken walls and the charred human bones indicated that the ferocious fight had not happened too long ago.

Fortunately, none of those corpses belonged to the Eight Stone Saints.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, several flying arrows, as fast as lightning, and red as blood shot, towards Austin.

Each of these arrows was flashing with a red color. The spiritual energy inside it was bursting and could have easily torn the space apart.

Austin snorted coldly. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the arrows like a child taking candy.

It turned that the arrows were actually stalactites.


More stalactites of various other colors also came at Austin at the speed of light.

"This is a brilliant attacking array!"

Austin's spiritual sense was so keen that he immediately sensed the aura around him. He was being attacked by an array and not by humans.

In any case, he was far too strong now to be hurt by these mere stones.

He grabbed them one by one.

He could see that they contained profound energy which meant they would be good resources for cultivation. So he put all of them into his Space Ring without hesitation.

Then, he continued to walk forward.

A moment later, he stopped.

"My friends! There you are!"

He was overjoyed to see the Eight Stone Saints in front of him.

It was a strange sight. There was a large pond on a clearing, and it seemed to be filled with something hot, since steam was floating in the air. Clouds of fog rose up from the pond and the Eight Stone Saints were standing there quietly, completely motionless and their legs crossed.

The liquid in the pond was steaming. It was surrounded by spiritual herbs which were not commonly seen in other places.

The bubbling liquid felt like it held the essence of nature. Austin could somehow feel that it was a rare and precious treasure that was inside the pond, and it was most likely coming to the pond from underground.

The Stone Saints just sat there, bathing in the precious liquid. Austin could vaguely see that a giant dragon was swimming and rolling around in the depth of the pool.

The strong aura of the dragon was also in the air.

Thick beams of brilliant light could be seen forming a shield around the pool constantly. The Stone Saints were not alone.


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