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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2761

The waterfall of thunder poured in relentless torrents over Austin, submerging him before long.

Austin pushed his body to release all kinds of energy at maximum.

Vital energy, physical strength, spiritual sense and law power--he sought to unleash all of them from within him.


From the torrents of thunder, a white tiger emerged, springing out at Austin and causing the void to rumble and collapse in parts.

The tiger was the embodiment of the thunder essence which in turn represented the will of heaven and earth. And it was out for Austin's blood.

"Ah! Great timing!"

Austin was undaunted. He took on the white tiger fearlessly, fiercely.

Austin deployed all the skills he had mastered thus far to fend off the white tiger. His momentum ended up tearing through the space.

Infinite beams of dazzling light, thunder light, and laws of nature--boundless and terrifying--washed over Austin.

In the end, Austin was able to tear the white tiger in half, though he sustained several wounds in the effort.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The thunder set loose a terrifying creature after a terrifying creature in succession, each and every one a ferocious fighter.


Austin gritted his teeth and fought back relentlessly. His injuries grew more and more severe, his bones mangled and his blood gushing out. But even this could not deter him.

"Today, I'm going to be a sect ancestor level cultivator!

If heaven and earth want to stop me, then I'll fight against the whole heaven and earth!"

Austin shouted defiantly, rushing headlong into the area where more creatures were lurking. Even at a distance, he could tell they possessed terrifying strength.

Austin struck the first blows. And he made sure to deliver the final ones, too.

Austin slaughtered the creatures one after another. He descended on them like a demon, his power overwhelming.

Austin went on a rampage and was seriously injured. He sustained grievous harm repeatedly. There were even several times his body simply exploded and disintegrated into a mist of blood.

Fortunately, Austin had cultivated the Phoenix Nirvana Skill, and the spiritual tree protected his spiritual soul, so both his physical body and spiritual soul restored themselves quickly.

In fact, Austin soon found that with every resurrection, his body only grew stronger.

By breaking through the Heavenly Thunderstroke Doom, he challenged the laws of nature. And every time he surmounted the test of life or death, he came back more powerful.

It was only a matter of time before Austin's power grew to hitherto unimaginable levels.

Austin knew he was close to achieving sect ancestor level!

Just a bit more and he would dominate this test!


Austin's body was shattered into pieces again, his bones and his flesh disintegrated like fine iron in a furnace. He returned, rebuilt stronger, with every trial and hardship. He looked as if he had had a nightmare. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were wild. Still, he would never surrender.


Austin began to unleash a terrifying fighting power. His fists shone like two suns, as if they had been ignited. Each one smashed a terrible creature back into the thunder sea.

The power emanating from Austin's body was now strong enough to shake the world.

Indeed, at that moment, the whole Immortal End World shook violently.

The world's denizens were dumbfounded. They could feel a terrifying aura that seemed to want to unite them and control them at the same time.

Outside the time chamber, Austin's friends grew more anxious.

"I wonder how master is doing. I'm so worried about him,"

Violet said, fretfully.

"I hope he is safe,"

Caroline said, a silent prayer on her lips.

"Austin will make it! I believe in him!"

Ivy and Sue declared their support, clenching their fists. They prayed for Austin, too.

The others were likewise growing nervous.

Kevin, Zenith, the soldier, and many more came, keeping guard outside the time chamber.


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