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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2764

Bang! Bang! Bang! The leader of the Heavenly Palace pounded the Universe Drum. It sounded like a roll of a distant thunder—steady as a clock but with a reverberating sound that echoed through the universe. For every beat, troops from various worlds shuffled their feet into position.

This time, representatives from most worlds in this universe were all present.

The corpse disaster had been their problem for a while now. The creatures hadn't found a solution for their shared problem just yet. Hence, they were all aware of how dire the situation was. The safety of the entire universe was at stake.

Obviously, the corpse soldiers' intention was to slaughter all of the creatures in the universe and convert them into monsters like themselves.

Terribly alarmed with the progressing situation, innumerable amount of troops that came from different parts of the universe gathered together and formed the Universal Allied Army.

The appointed leaders of the army were the leaders of the Heavenly Palace and the Yaksha Palace and a dozen other top-notch masters.

"First, we eliminate the main force of the army of the underworld," the leader of the Heavenly Palace suggested. "And then, we're going to the Tomb Star Cluster and break into their headquarters."

The masters had serious discussion on how they were going to take down the enemy. As they finalized their plans, they prepared for battle.

To make their plans effective, they divided their large army into teams. They all marched into various places where the troops of the underworld were.

There were millions of individuals that crowded the space as they headed into different directions.

Hundreds of thousands of riders rode away; their horses neighed and beasts roared; their armors glittered. This fight had been a choreographed dance of destruction for so long, tearing their worlds apart—they were determined to put an end to this once and for all.

The underworld, on the other hand, kept their forces moving. They looked as grotesque as they were before, if not more. Their bodies were torn, and their blood had turned in to a thick turbid brown and how their stomach slowly digested the flesh that was once their own. Once they finished slaughtering all the creatures in a world, they would waste no time and vanquish another.

However, some of them would take their time to collect the remnants of their victims once they wiped out their world.

The battle was about to begin. The Universal Allied Army was eventually facing the corpse army.

Both parties had an astonishing numbers of people.

They stood opposite of each other, occupying a large area.

With the staggering number of soldiers involved, it was practically impossible to have the battle in one place.

There were several battlefields.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound of the Universe Drum once again rang out.

For every sound the drum made, the morale of the Universal Allied Army was boosted. Soon, shouts and battle calls broke out, rising in volume, filling the air like thunder.

They were on fire. Even if it took their last breath, they were going to fight with everything they got.

An appointed member of the sect banged the drums. The leader of the Heavenly Palace was at the forefront. He stood there gallantly, ready to take down anyone that would come in his way.

Before the battle broke out, there was a momentary stillness between two parties. Then suddenly, each of the parties rushed into each other, with so much force in every blow. Each didn't want the other dead; they wanted them smashed, obliterated, nothing left to bury.

"Annihilate all the corpse soldiers and protect our homeland!" one of the leaders cried out as he slashed his way through the incoming corpse soldiers.

"We must eliminate the enemies! We are going to fight for our universe!"

"Kill as many as you can!"

Battle cries shook the sky, and they were fueled with their desire to vanquish the other. Weapons collided; their shadows could be seen. The attacks were fierce, efficient, and deadly.

The Universal Allied Army was determined to finish this once and for all. The corpse soldiers had been plaguing them for the longest time. They rose in revolt—eager to defend their homes. Since they all fought for a greater cause, they displayed their full capacity.

The corpse soldiers, on the other hand, remained silent throughout. Their aura screamed death and they possessed such terrifying powers.

Blood splattered everywhere, heads rolled down and warriors of the Universal Allied Army were fighting at full might. The corpse soldiers were exploded one after another.

Both sides used their most potent weapons as they furiously tried to gain the advantage. The soldiers attacked with anger fueling their systems. They screamed until they couldn't; until they rested into nothingness. The battle continued.

The energy waves that came from the battle fields shook the entire universe.

Creatures who weren't part of the battle could feel its tremors, no matter how far they were.

Older creatures that had lived for ages and were on the verge of death prayed and cried. They were saddened that the universe had to go such an ordeal.

While all this took place, a warship quietly arrived at the Tomb Star Cluster, the headquarters of the troops from the underworld.

It was Austin's ship.

People from this universe invested a lot to set up brilliant arrays outside the Tomb Star Cluster to lock down the area last time they were here.

But now, all the arrays were nowhere to be seen.

There was only a shred of energy produced by the arrays left.

From what it looked like, it seemed that the masters from the underworld had broken all the arrays here.

"The main forces of the underworld are engaged in the fight with the Universal Allied Army.

I suppose there are only a few corpse soldiers left in here. This is our chance to save them."

There was determination in Asa's eyes as Austin met his. This was a golden opportunity.


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