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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2766

The air within the huge city was filled with a tremendous aura of death.

Every street and lanes were full of corpse soldiers bustling here and there to carry out various tasks.

Austin tried to blend in naturally using his Aura Disguising Skill as he turned himself into an ordinary corpse soldier.

After about half a day of wandering inside the city, he observed that most buildings were like storehouses of corpse soldiers' bodies piled up, one on top of the other.

Before activation, all corpse soldiers were just like ordinary cadavers of humans and beasts.

However, he also noticed that there were a few large palaces in the middle of the city which were suspicious. There were guards at the gates, and signs of life could be faintly sensed coming from inside.

Austin sneakily set foot into the center of the city, avoiding any detection. He still remembered the reason why he came here in the first place. He needed to find the Evil Shadow King and Damon from the hybrid titan race who had been held captive by people from the underworld in order to threaten Austin. He then discreetly slipped into one of the palaces to search wherever his friends might be hidden.

As he entered, he saw more than ten corpse soldiers guarding and roaming around the palace.

The more intriguing part was when Austin saw a great number of corpse soldiers, continuously entering the palace carrying huge black cloth bags.

'Now wait a second! I recognize those bags! Those black bags must contain corpses!'

Austin already noted this for a while and reached to the conclusion.

When he pretended to be one of the corpse soldiers and sneaked into this city, he had a chance to see the same large black bags from up close. He then knew that these black bags were space treasures being used to store corpses.

Thus he began to wonder why those corpse soldiers were bringing such a number of bodies into the palace.

'Don't tell me this is the place where they mass produce these horrible corpse soldiers? Is this where they form their hideous army?'

Austin was confounded as he saw the scenes happening before him. A chill ran down his spine as the thought suddenly hit him.

Austin came to understand the underworld's reason behind acquiring an enormous quantity of dead bodies. They refined them into countless corpse soldiers which could easily be manipulated, thus strengthening the power of their army.

'This place is where the corpse soldiers were made!' That must be the only reason why the numerous corpses were being continuously moved inside the palace, and why the place was heavily guarded.

Upon witnessing all these, Austin became even more curious about the things going on inside and more eager to see the process with his own eyes.

He patiently waited for an opportunity and seized it immediately upon seeing an opening. He aimed for one of the corpse soldiers and easily controlled it. After successfully manipulating the corpse soldier, he transferred it into the Slave Tower and started taking the corpse soldier's place and carrying the black bags into the palace.

With a composed face, Austin perfectly acted and joined the group of corpse soldiers carrying several black cloth bags going into the palace.

Upon entering the palace, Austin meticulously observed its interior to find any notable information.


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