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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2771

A few rounds in and Austin was hit by the black and white stick.

The force of it threw him into the air, smashing part of his body in the process.

He chose to face Chace alone, without the help of his demonic avatar. He wanted to test his own strength.

Now he knew that he was still no match to Chace.

It only took several strikes to wound him.

But at least, Austin' injuries were only superficial.

He used his Phoenix Nirvana skill, and bright flames burst from his body. They licked at his wounds and healed them instantly.

All in all, he had sustained a dozen wounds from the fight. The most serious one was when his body was smashed and strewn to the air. But thanks to his Phoenix Nirvana Skill, he survived all of them.

"Boy, what secret technique did you use to heal yourself?" Chace asked.

He seemed shocked by it.

The Phoenix Nirvana Skill was a legacy of Peterson the Taoist Ancestor. It was considered one of the most brilliant techniques in the Immortal World. Its magic was powerful.

It was said that as long as the spiritual soul was intact, anyone who mastered the skill could come back to life even if his body were destroyed.

Austin's body and soul had grown much solid by now.

Therefore, he could quickly recover from all his wounds using the Phoenix Nirvana Skill.

"I'm impressed.

You have achieved this much strength and power despite your young age.

In fact, you are stronger than most talents I have ever encountered.

It is truly remarkable,"

Chace praised, generously.

"Sir, you seem to be a good person.

Meanwhile, the leader of the underworld let his men slaughter the innocent and plunder their corpses. He is ruthless.

But still, you take his side. Why?"

Austin asked.

His words seemed to have caught Chace off guard.

Chace sighed and shook his head.

"I don't think you will ever understand."

In his head, Austin was weak and young. Such personal matters wouldn't concern him.

But Austin carried on with his questions.

"Sir, do you know the planet Earth?

Did you come from there? Have you ever been there at all?"

These were the questions that Austin longed to ask Chace.

The expression on Chace's face changed immediately. He glared daggers at Austin.


"How do you know the Earth? Tell me the truth!"

He stepped towards Austin. His body radiated such immense energy.

Crack! Crack!

The ground beneath them began to crumble.

At that moment, it was clear that Chace intended to take Austin's life.

However, such reaction gave Austin hope.

'He acts like this because he knows the Earth, ' he thought eagerly.

"You see, I came from the Earth. It is my home.

So I have deep feelings for that place,"

Austin answered.

He just wanted to know how much Chace knew about Earth.

"Are you saying that it is your home?" Chace asked, curiously.

He seemed to be finally calming down.

"I don't care how you knew Earth or why you asked me about it.

But from now on, you better stop with the questions.

It will do you no good.

For your own sake.

On the other hand, I chose to work for the underworld because of one thing, but it is useless trying to explain that to you.

Just know that underworld is far more powerful than you can imagine. If you value your life, I advise you to stay away from it."


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