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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2781

Austin had already finished mastering the second step of the Introduction to Vital Energy Circulation.

This brought on a significant increase in his strength and power.

Learning and controlling to unleash one's potential could greatly enhance the cultivator's combat effectiveness.

At last, Austin finished his training.

"Austin, our men are ready. Give the order and we will set out," Asa declared.

He was in high spirits as he caught sight of Austin bathing in an unimaginable aura.

The other members of the Eight Stone Saints were also exhilarated as they saw the new Austin.

All eight of them were already fearsome fighters. Now that they could match the prowess of a sect ancestor, they could barely hide their excitement to test their newly acquired powers.

"Austin, we have constructed tens of thousands of temples in the dozen worlds which ruled by the Immortal End Alliance.

The leaders of the worlds strictly instructed their people to visit the temples and worship the Taoist robe sincerely,"

Kevin affirmed Austin.

Hearing this, Austin released his spiritual sense to examine the robe.

He found countless white power of faith flew and absorbed into the Taoist robe continuously.

"Good job. As long as we get enough power of faith, this robe will become our fatal weapon,"

Austin assured Kevin.

"All right, time to send these corpses back to hell!"

With a wave of his hand, Austin set out with the Immortal End Alliance army.

In the last few days, Kevin had already sent some scouts to investigate the current situation in various areas of the universe, and also to gather information about their enemies.

The underworld had boasted their unthinkable number of corpse soldiers, but even so, the Universal Allied Army had almost caught up to their number and matched them in strength. As each occupied half of the universe, these two gigantic forces were ready to battle it all out until one was completely vanquished.


We detected an army of corpse soldiers about five hundred thousand miles away to the north.

They were wreaking havoc to a place called the Wild World!

The soldiers of this world are on the brink of losing. If this goes on, it won't take long before they are all slaughtered,"

a scout of the Immortal End Alliance reported to Austin.

It turned out that people from the underworld sent their soldiers to invade other worlds to accumulate more corpses while fighting the Universal Allied Army.

"I see. They're trying to be clever, huh? Move forward at full speed and annihilate every corpse soldier in sight!" Austin commanded.

At his order, dozens of warships advanced at lightning speed.

These warships were the newest and all were built by highly skilled shipbuilders. It cost the Immortal End Alliance a lot to purchase these ships from the Tang Clan of the Tycoon World.

They all knew that it was worth it as they witnessed these ships' astonishing speed and attacking power.

Over five hundred thousand miles away from them, a fierce battle was taking place just outside of the Wild World.

Innumerable corpse soldiers surrounded the forces from the Wild World and slaughtered them mercilessly.

The Wild World was at the middle-level at best. Their strongest one was at the level of a sect ancestor, but the rest were like fragile glasses being shattered by the corpse soldiers one by one.

Almost at the breaking point, the master who could match a sect ancestor was in a heated battle with a pair of black-robed men.

Since he was overcome by fatigue, the movements of the master grew slower. A vicious attack hit him, and blood gushed out from several holes inflicted in his body.

"Oh my God! We won't be able to save our world from destruction!" the master shouted with outpouring grievance.

He looked like an elder in his late fifties. Consciousness started to slip away from his body as blood continued to flow out, covering almost all of his gray robe. At that moment, sadness and desperation consumed him.

With all his remaining strength, he resisted the ferocious attacks of the two black-robed men as he scanned the battlefield with his spiritual sense.

He saw all of his companions dying one by one. Without any chance of winning, they were forced to retreat as they suffered severe casualties.


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