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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2795

A day later, Austin was beginning to have a breakthrough. Rays of lightning flashed crimson, painting the whole sky red.

Thick bolts of terrifying lights rained down from the sky. All of them charged towards Austin without stopping.

Monstrous creatures hid behind the depths of the thunderbolts. All of them came out in the form of different beasts, snarling and snapping at Austin, ready to pounce.

This breakthrough was only from the preliminary stage to medium stage within the sect ancestor level, but it was already beyond Austin's imagination.

He went all out to ward off and kill his enemies. The battle lasted two days and nights before it finally ended.

In the midst of Austin's breakthrough, the mysterious boy watched from afar. He showed no signs of fear or terror at the sight. His pair of innocent eyes only held awe and amusement. He even clapped his hands when the fight had reached its peak.

Austin flew up high, suspending himself in the air. He stood tall and proud as golden rays of light emanated from him as if he was a divine guard from heaven.

Austin clenched his fists and felt a great deal of strength flow through his body.

"It's amazing how I have achieved breakthrough by eating two roasted fish!"

Austin could not help but exclaim with excitement.

The fish he ate must have been rare treasures for each of them held tremendous powers.

If it hadn't been for the little boy's help, he would not have caught those fish.

He turned his attention to the little boy, who stood at the sides, waiting for him to finish his breakthrough.

"Is everything okay now?

Let's go and catch some more little fishes. If we're lucky, we might even see some little dragons that we can capture and grill for later," said the little boy.

He ran over to Austin as soon as the older man was done with his breakthrough.

"Catch some little fishes again? And little dragons?"

The little boy's words excited and delighted Austin.

The fish helped him get his breakthrough.

He felt his vital energy thickened and stabilized.

It seemed like those fishes contained so much energy that if eaten by anyone who was in the same level as the sect ancestor cultivator, it could push them to achieve further breakthroughs quickly.

So if Austin ate more of those fishes, he could get more breakthroughs and improve his skills faster.

And he was now curious of the "little dragon" that the boy spoke of. Was it the dragon in legend? He felt puzzled at this.

But more importantly, he wondered about this mysterious boy.

In spite of his young age, he seemed omniscient and capable. He even knew of the dragon and claimed that he could capture it. Was that even possible?

As the little boy led the way, Austin traveled through the chaotic void, leaving the shabby universe behind.

As they traveled, Austin carefully observed the boy's steps. It seemed like with every step, the boy's feet stirred space-time energy. Numerous unknown runes formed under his feet to support his weight.

It surprised Austin to see plenty of translucent divine lotus appearing at wherever the little boy's foot landed.

They appeared and disappeared in each blink of an eye. All of it happened so fast that anyone could have missed them.

Austin found himself in awe by the little boy's movements and skills.

He tried his best to keep up with the boy, but he lagged behind from time to time.

"Hey, you move like a snail. Keep up!" the little boy shouted.

He suddenly slowed down, waiting for Austin to catch up.

"Little friend, I'm not slow. You just walk too fast!"

Austin replied with a wry smile.

Compared to those top martial arts masters like the leader of the Heavenly Palace, Austin moved much faster.

But compared to this little boy, it was different.

"Hey boy, how can you walk so fast? Can you teach me your skill? This way, I'll be able to keep up with you!"

Austin blurted out as the idea flashed inside his mind.

"You want to learn my skill? Sure, I'll teach you. But I'm not sure if I can remember how. I've been forgetting a lot of things lately," the boy said.

He tilted his head, lost in his thoughts.


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