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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2808

"Trap them all using the Devilish Corpse Array!"

The order was barked amid the great chaos. It was from one of the men in black robe.

Dozens of men in black robe each took out a small, black array flag. They all began moving in one direction while holding the array flag up in their hands. The array flags subsequently shot into the midair to form an array.

Then, a thick corpse miasma burst out from the array flags. It streamed endlessly like boiling water into the sky.

It filled the whole battlefield, blurring everyone's vision.

This corpse miasma contained the law of death which could influence the passage of both time and space.

Everyone who was exposed to it immediately found themselves trapped in a world full of corpses and blood.

The stench of rotting flesh blew from all directions. It was pitch black like a moonless night. Corpses were everywhere, moving around restlessly.

"What's happening to you? What can you see?"

Austin immediately used his spiritual sense to send his message to the supreme holy tree and the others. He was anxious of their current state.

But he received no reply.

Stuck in the array, nobody could see or sense anything—not even each other. The miasma had blocked out their sight and other senses, cutting them off completely from everything else.

'Damn it. This is so bad! If the array succeeded in isolating the eleven holy trees from each other, their strengths would reduce dramatically, ' Austin thought to himself.

His worry spiked up in every second.

Separated, the eleven holy trees were not powerful. It would be impossible for them to defeat a cultivator at the sect ancestor level individually.

Austin released his spiritual sense again to search for the eleven holy trees within the array. To his dismay, he found nothing but more corpses and blood.


This Devilish Corpse Array is one of the five top magic arrays of the underworld.

Nobody can escape from there! Don't even dream of it!

What a surprising gift! We never expected that we would get eleven chaotic immortal trees in just one sweep. All the sacrifices are worthwhile. Also, there are so many sect ancestor cultivators joining our troops of corpse soldiers today. That's fantastic!"

A voice rang out through the gloom of the Devilish Corpse Array.

Everyone trapped within it heard it. At first, they were confused by the words, but then, shock and dread seized them when realization hit.

It they died there, their corpses would be the trophies for their enemies and be subsequently refined into their corpse soldiers!

They suddenly understood that the eleven holy trees were not the only ones those men in black wanted to hunt with the Devilish Corpse Array. They intended to slaughter every other top cultivator as well.

These men from the underworld had a grand purpose for coming to their universe. They desired to collect corpses to expand their army. Naturally, that meant killing everyone.

Now, they were able to capture many powerful sect ancestor level cultivators with their array. They would not let this opportunity come to waste.

"Fuck! You bastard! Let me out! Or I'll kill you all!"

"The evil bastards from the underworld are so sinister. They want to kill all of us!"

Everyone in the array began to curse at their captors.

Though they were all cut off from one another, they began to launch attacks. Violent energy exploded relentlessly here and there.

Every master did their best to destroy the array.

Austin scoured for the eleven holy trees again using his spiritual sense. Still, there was nothing. The Devilish Corpse Array was indeed too powerful to penetrate.

Just as he was about to give up, he suddenly remembered the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor. It was his last trump card that might just be their ticket of getting out of this dangerous situation.

After all, the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor could grant anyone the ability to see through any illusions.

Austin began concentrating on using the skill. His third eye nestled between his brows opened. Rays of winter lights spread out from the pupil in it. The light scanned the area, penetrating through the corpse miasma.

Gradually, the sight before him started to clear up.

"This is surely useful!"

Austin was elated by the results.

The Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor was an unique skill from Tomber, the ruler of the Ghostdom. It was really powerful.

Soon, Austin discovered the eleven holy trees were actually not far away.

Each of them was under attack by several men in black from hell.

And by the looks of it, the eleven holy trees seemed to be having trouble resisting the attacks. Their senses were still blocked by the Devilish Corpse Array so they could not use their full abilities in their fight.

Many of their branches were broken and torn off. Their barks had also been chipped off by explosions. It now hanged over their trunks like shabby rags.

Their opponents were obviously much powerful than them since they were aided by the Devilish Corpse Array.

Seeing what was happening, Austin frowned.

"Ha-ha! Stop resisting, you immortal trees.


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