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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2816

Austin was still cultivating the Concentration Method diligently inside the time chamber.

This method was the secret swordsmanship that Austin acquired from the genuine immortal level long sword which he obtained from the Ghostdom. The Sword Emperor who was then using the long sword imprinted the secret swordsmanship into it.

The more Austin mastered the skill little by little, the more he felt the great difference in power that he was amassing.

Using the Concentration Method meant condensing tens of thousands of sword intents into a single strike. This attack would be so powerful that an opponent would be instantly destroyed.

After eight decades of staying in the secret chamber, Austin had reached the level of integrating fifty thousand sword intents into a single sword strike.

With a swing of the sword, a wave of vague sword-light dashed out.

Swoosh! The space in front of him was split into halves. At the center was a black space crack with its width measuring from about hundreds of meters and its length about tens of thousands of meters.

'If I use the genuine immortal level long sword and execute such kind of swordsmanship, the power would be so devastating.'

Looking at the dark space crack ahead, Austin stood very satisfied with the skill he acquired.

At the same moment, Austin's demonic avatar was sitting with legs crossed in a corner of the secret chamber.

It was spending its time cultivating the last and tenth level of the World Sealing Tabooed Magic.

This level was the highest one and was overly superior compared to the ones beneath it.

However, the demonic avatar seemed to experience difficulty in breaking through into this level. It had already spent dozens of years, but it seemed as if it was still quite far from reaching the said level.

Austin knew that it was no easy task, so he made the avatar continue with the cultivation patiently.

At the other corner of the time chamber, the little infinity beast and the divine silkworm were also cultivating in seclusion.

The two were both regarded as legendary divine beasts, but they had not reached their prime yet. They still needed a lot of cultivation to do to become much stronger.

That was why every minute counted during their process of cultivation.

As long as they had enough time to mature, and they fully activated the blood power as legendary divine beasts in their bodies, their strength would improve drastically.

The time chamber was the perfect place for their cultivation as they had plenty of time in the chamber.

"Next, I'll try to comprehend the law power thoroughly,"

Austin murmured as he prepared his next cultivation.

In seclusion, he began to practice and master the law power.

At the deepest part of the grand canyon in the Ancient Forbidden Land, there stood a huge tomb that was emitting blinding radiance. Amidst the dazzling lights, a figure suddenly appeared. It was Princess Gracie.

"I can't believe that there are masters at the Genuine Immortal Realm who want to enter this weak universe.

Don't tell me they're here because of me?"

Princess Gracie mumbled in an elegant voice as she gazed at the starry skies above.

Anxiousness was written all over her pretty and otherworldly face.

If they were only a handful of masters at the Genuine Immortal Realm, it would not be a problem at all.

What she was worried about was that once her identity was leaked, her previous enemies would surely get a hold of that information. Her whereabouts would be exposed, and other consequences would be distressing.

With those thoughts in mind, she immediately summoned the eleven holy trees, the silver giant, the wild beast, and the mummy to discuss the matter.

In the time chamber of the Immortal End World, Austin was cultivating in seclusion for nearly a hundred years. Finally, he was able to produce a cocoon of laws again.

"This guy's talent is really terrifying.

This should be his sixth time making a cocoon of laws!"

When Faran and Corey sensed the giant cocoon afloat in the sky at the center of the secret chamber, they were very shocked.

Even for a man of Austin's caliber, being able to produce a cocoon of law for the sixth time just using his own abilities was extraordinary. It would be considered as an astonishing feat even in different worlds and universes, let alone in the backward and weak universe.

"His future is really promising!"

Faran and Corey exclaimed at the same time.

"Now it doesn't seem like a farfetched dream to be able to go back to the Immortal World,"

remarked Faran.

"What would that even accomplish at this point?

Our master has a great number of foes in the Immortal World. We don't even know his whereabouts or if he's still alive.

Even if we were able to come back to the Immortal World, dangers still await us.

I think it probably would be better for us to remain in this weak universe,"

Corey expressed hopelessly with a sigh.

Both of them fell silent. Despair started to consume them as they recalled some memories from their past.

After a few more years, Austin finally broke out of the cocoon.

As he got out, no gleaming lights, energy fluctuations, nor a Divine Ruling Chain appeared.

However, a distinct Taoism aura faintly spread over.

Austin stood in the air, his hair dancing lightly, and his eyes calm as steady waters. He had crystal clear enlightenment based on the look in his eyes.

This time, it was as if he had realized great truths of nature.


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