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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2824

Outside the Sword World, the troops of the Immortal End Alliance could be seen lining up in the sky of the universe with their flags flying high. Wild beasts and horses could be heard roaring and hissing, and thousands of warships hovered the skies. It was a scene full of grand victory.

The current Immortal End Alliance had become one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

Under Kevin's tutelage, the alliance was able to purchase several exquisite weaponry and equipment which included powerful secret weapons. They also acquired all kinds of monstrous beasts, and high-level flying boats and warships.

Anybody who saw them could be intimidated by the bloodthirsty auras they were emitting.

In a faraway distance, numerous creatures could be spotted gathering and watching the warfare between the two gigantic forces.

Although the onlookers did not enter the Sword World, they had the general idea of how the tide of the battle went on by releasing their spiritual sense into the Sword World.

"The Immortal End Alliance army swept over the Sword World with a crushing victory!"

"This is the official rise of the Immortal End Alliance era! Another menacing force was born in the universe!"

"That's too bad for the Sword World, though. Their fall was inevitable."

One minute, they were regarded as the mighty ones; then in a blink of an eye, some greater force rose and trampled the previous. "This is the inescapable cruelty of the universe!"

The creatures who witnessed the tragic fall of the Sword World were all dumbfounded by what had happened. They could not hide their bewilderment as they continued talking about the battle.

It was well known that the Sword Palace was one of the most powerful ancient forces in this universe for countless years.

However, their legend ended today after they suffered a total defeat in the fierce battle.

For the Immortal End Alliance, the victory still seemed like a dream.

"We're withdrawing," Austin ordered with a blank face.

He gave a simple, cold command and moved in a flash from the Sword World to the starry skies.


The whole sky began to tremble violently.

The Immortal End Alliance army swiftly retreated, creating a torrent in space.

As the triumphant army left the world, countless creatures were observing, having complex feelings of awe, respect, and fear.

Austin didn't join the main force as they retreated the Sword World. He went ahead by activating his Omnipotent Lightness skill. Beneath his feet, divine lotuses were emerging on every space he passed by. After a few seconds, he was back to the Immortal End World.

With enhanced strength and increased spiritual sense, Austin attained a deeper understanding of the Omnipotent Lightness's mystery. This led to more efficient and improved usage of the skill.

Upon returning to the Immortal End World, Austin delivered the progress of the battle briefly to Kevin through his spiritual sense. Then, without wasting any time, Austin entered the time chamber.

Kevin was pleased and surprised at the outcome of the battle.

He was fully aware of the extensive effects that this battle would cause to the universe.

As the Sword Palace went down, the balance of power shifted. The Immortal End Alliance, especially the Immortal End World, would become a force of supreme power in no time.

"Prepare for the celebratory party!

Today is a good day, and everybody should have a good time!"

Kevin addressed the whole Immortal End World.

In an instant, all the people of the world started to prepare for a luxurious banquet.


As soon as he entered the time chamber, Austin was quite surprised by what he saw.

Inside the chamber, the little infinity beast and the divine silkworm were both still in deep meditation.

Moreover, the auras emitted from the bodies of the legendary beasts were wildly fluctuating. Sometimes, the auras surged frantically, while other times, they were as still as the midnight desert.

'It seems that these guys are going to have a breakthrough in no time, '

Austin thought to himself as he was astounded by their focus and progress.

For the two legendary ancient beasts, it was expected that their cultivation would take a long period of time, which made their progress seem extremely slow.

However, once they finally achieved a breakthrough, their strength would spring forth unimaginably.

Austin proceeded to the corner of the chamber, sat cross-legged, and began the cultivation.

His secluded cultivation this time was to master the Polarity Law as well as refine the Divine Polarity Swords.

Austin scanned the text of the Polarity Law in his Soul Sea and gradually began to comprehend.

The text read, "The greatest law of all produces the One. One produces obscurity and brightness. All things leave behind them the obscurity, and go forth to embrace the brightness. Yet, both obscurity and brightness are harmonized…"

Each line of the text was flowing in Austin's Soul Sea like a stream of a river.

Although the text was simple and consisted of only a few words, it imparted deep meanings, concisely pointing out the genuine energy essence of the universe and profoundly expressing the essence of all things in the world.

The more Austin read and understood the text embedded, the more astounded and pleased he got. He delved more into it steadily.


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