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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2834

Austin had just finished withstanding a bunch of high-skilled masters. He used all the amazing skills in his arsenal and his performance in this battle was considered the most impressive one since he had never defeated such mighty adversaries ever before.

This fierce battle had a great influence on Austin in terms of his fighting skills.

He took the opportunity and recalled every scene where he clashed with his opponents. He tried to remember the skills used by the enemies as well as the mistakes he committed during the battle.

The things that he learned from the high-level battle would be very useful when he faced his next enemies.

He sat in the sky and started meditating.

He dove into his own consciousness and immersed in his thoughts.

To analyze the processes of a battle was also a kind of cultivation on its own.

If the analysis was done effectively, the cultivation could improve one's combat efficiency more quickly.

"Guard Austin with all your might!" one of the Eight Stone Saints yelled loudly as he stood in front of Austin.

The other members of the Eight Stone Saints and the soldiers of the Immortal End Alliance also rushed and surrounded Austin quickly.

They just stood guard there and no one dared to disturb him.

Austin's performance shocked everyone who stood witness.

Seeing the whole army of the Immortal End Alliance surrounding him and ready to strike anytime, the onlookers began to retreat and disperse.

The members of the Yaksha Palace had already run away and abandoned their headquarters.

It was once full of people but now was empty and silent.

The news about the downfall of the Yaksha Palace spread like wildfire throughout the universe.

It was a huge statement for all the forces and creatures in the universe. The balance of power was being disturbed greatly.

All the creatures who heard the news were distraught. They began to discuss with each other what might happen after the incident.

They understood that at that very moment, a revolution had already started.

Austin had undeniably become the best cultivator in the whole universe.

And the Immortal End Alliance under his command was the most powerful force to reckon.

It was a tragedy for the likes of the Sword Palace and Yaksha Palace to be the first few victims who suffered by the hands of Austin and his army.

The news also reached the Immortal End World already.

Kevin ordered his subordinates to prepare for a feast to celebrate another Austin's dominating victory. In just a few moments, the festive atmosphere started to be experienced in the world.

On the other hand, the opposite could be seen with the highly influential forces such as the Heavenly Palace, the Star Island, the Sky Phoenix Kingdom, and White Tiger Mountain.

Each one of the said forces was terrified and low in spirit.

Their leaders came back to their world feeling dejected and hopeless.

Some of them locked themselves in their residences and refused to meet anyone.

Some even left their headquarters secretly and decided to find a quiet and faraway place to hide.

This was the effect on them after facing Austin.

They were so frightened that Austin might come after them next.

Along the halls of the palace in the Black Hell City of the Tomb Star Cluster, two men started talking.

"It seems that you were right, Prince Ervin.

This Austin guy might really be the descendant of the god.

How could you even explain how he possesses such power and strength at such a young age?

It's exceptionally rare to witness such a talented man from the Immortal World,"

Commander Graves commented.


Well, this is a chance of a lifetime.

I can't believe that I might run into the offspring of the god in this backward universe.

If it turns out that we're right, he's going to be very useful to us.

Do whatever you must to capture this guy for me.

I just need to get his blood and put it into my body!"

Ervin exclaimed in excitement.

At the center of the hall stood a huge crystal screen.


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