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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2855

The Immortal End World was Austin's home, and all the people he cared about lived there.

If this world was destroyed, that Austin would go out of his mind would be an understatement.

Austin immediately filled Peterson in on what happened in the Immortal End World through his spiritual sense. He did not leave out any details.

"Go deal with your own business. Since you have refined the Heavenly Majestic Pot, no one in this universe can challenge you nor be a threat to you.

It will take a while for me to integrate the nine drops of Celestial Star Water into the Mysterious Magnetic Mountain,"

Peterson replied.

Austin activated the Omnipotent Lightness, and instantly left the small world where the Celestial Palace was located.

"Wow? Did he just display the Omnipotent Lightness? Such a wonderful young man!"

Peterson showed great surprise as he observed Austin's moves.

Rumor had it that the Omnipotent Lightness was the secret skill owned by the most powerful legendary force in universe, and only its core disciples had access to it.

Even Peterson didn't dare mess with that powerful force.

To his surprise, Austin performed that secret skill in front of him.

"This boy must have had some amazing adventures,"

Peterson murmured.

"When he wakes up, his avatars would have lived for a long time. Is the elder who traveled around still alive?

The powerful force he founded has long been gone. I haven't seen it nor heard about it in a while.

I can't believe that this brat was able to learn the Omnipotent Lightness from that force."

Peterson looked at Austin thoughtfully with the aid of his spiritual sense.

Thanks to the Omnipotent Lightness, Austin could cross a span of hundreds of thousands of miles in just a stride. Even by elite standards, this was incredibly fast.

Meanwhile, the man in purple from Divine Sect headed for the Immortal End World together with over a hundred masters at the level of sect ancestors. He also didn't hold back and brought along great army.

Soon, they were just outside the Immortal End World, floating in its surrounding space.

There was not a soul from the Immortal End World anywhere near them.

Kevin had ordered all the soldiers to come back into the world because he knew how powerful their enemies were.

If they continued to stay where they were, they would be doomed to die, and for nothing.

Kevin didn't want to see that happen.

"Sir, the Immortal End World is over there.

It is protected by a powerful shield which is very hard break through.

There are two ways to enter this world. One is to use the special transmission altar inside this world, and the other is to go all out on the power that we have and disable the shield,"

a master at the level of the sect ancestor advised the man in purple.

The members of the Divine Sect's branch in this universe were low-key and seldom showed up in public. Despite that, they knew everything that happened outside their stronghold. Very few secrets could be hidden from them.

Without anyone else knowing, they had already done their investigations on the Immortal End World.

"Don't worry. I've already made preparations,"

the man in purple said with a confident smile.

He reached out his hand, and a silver needle appeared, floating in his palm.

"This Array-breaking Needle, as its name suggests, is specially used to break arrays.

I've studied the shield surrounding the Immortal End World. It was set up by several genuine immortals.

But the Array-breaking Needle can breach this barrier and break it,"

the man clad in purple clothes said in a confident tone.

"I see. You borrowed the Array-breaking Needle from Elder Klein!"

the master beside the man in purple beamed.

Elder Klein was a well-known senior and enjoyed much prestige in the Divine Sect. He was an expert in arrays, and the Array-breaking Needle was one of his special works.

The man in purple tossed the Array-breaking Needle up in the air.


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