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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2866

In just a short while, the tall and thin man had devoured all the living creatures within his reach.

Sprays of red mist and pools of blood could be seen everywhere. The souls of the murdered creatures wailed loudly making the entire place seem like the depths of hell. Their agonizing screams could be heard for miles around.

"These creatures are weak, but they taste rather fresh."

The tall and thin man stuck out his scarlet tongue and licked the blood on the corner of his mouth with satisfaction.

Then without even looking back, he left for his next target, leaving a dark and desolate world.

The next world he reached was also doomed to be filled with mutilated bodies and flowing rivers of blood.

In the ensuing chaos, countless figures were running around, shouting and crying in agony. Some of them knelt down and begged for mercy, while the rest tried to escape with their families. It was a sorrowful scene.

But their pleading didn't work. In his eyes, these weaklings were nothing but mere animals. It was just a waste to have pity on them, not to mention, let them go free and alive. He opened his mouth, and countless runes shot out and crushed a multitude of unfortunate living beings. The dead bodies were quickly retrieved and their blood and flesh ended up in his mouth. He chewed and savored them with satisfaction before swallowing. He was hungry for more.

This maniac was ruthless to say the least. Even the most tragic scene had no effect on him for he was devoid of any emotion. He was not in a hurry to kill his prey all at once. Sometimes he stopped, and watched the panic-stricken creatures run around in panic and confusion. The fear in their eyes excited him. He found satisfaction in wreaking havoc over entire civilizations.

At that time, Austin had just unleashed his spiritual sense to check the whole situation of the universe.

Meanwhile, his jade slip was being overwhelmed with lots of messages.

The messages were from the various parts of the universe.

Because of his bravery and amazing skills, Austin had become the new commander of the Universal Allied Army. The creatures from countless worlds had pledged their support and allegiance, willing to follow him and take orders from him.

Undeniably for most of them, Austin was a hero and the most powerful man in the universe.

In addition, the leaders of the Heavenly Palace, the Yaksha Palace, the Sword Palace, and other forces, who used to be the top masters of the universe, had long been overshadowed by Austin.

Now that such a tragic event had occurred in the universe, all the living beings immediately thought of Austin.

"Leader Austin, help us!"

"Please, Leader Austin, our world is on the brink of destruction. We need your help badly!"

Countless voice messages were sent to Austin's jade slip.

Even the leader of the Heavenly Palace, the owner of the Star Island and the emperor of the Sky Phoenix Kingdom all sent messages to Austin, summoning him for help.

Kevin also tried to contact Austin, asking him of his plans on how to deal with the crisis at hand.

It seemed that they were about to face an unprecedented enemy, that they had never dealt with before.

Worlds were being destroyed one by one and the time difference between the destruction as very short. The unknown enemies were moving swiftly.

In just half a day, one fourth of the worlds of the universe had been reduced to dead planets.

What was worse, more and more worlds were being attacked.

If it went on like this, the remaining worlds would meet the same fate as those that were already destroyed. If Austin and his team did not act on it accordingly, there wouldn't be any worlds left by the end of the day.

"Forward my orders to the leaders of all the member worlds of the Immortal End Alliance. Tell them to round up all the living creatures in their worlds and wait for me."

Austin sent a message back to Kevin through his spiritual sense, after giving it a lot of serious thought.

Kevin had been waiting anxiously, and after a while, he finally received the message from Austin. He pulled himself together and did as Austin instructed immediately.

As for the messages from the other worlds, Austin didn't know how to reply.

He knew that it was impossible for him to attend to each world all at the same time and help the entire universe survive the disaster.

The underworld and the Divine Sect had sent out remarkable cultivators to slaughter as many creatures as they could.

Austin racked his brains but could not think of a solution for it. He felt powerless, angry and frustrated.

That day was the worst day for all the creatures in the universe. They all prayed for Austin to come to their aid and save them from the carnage but there was no sign of Austin at all.

Countless worlds were destroyed, and creatures there were killed brutally and without mercy. They could only cry out in despair as they watched their world being annihilated, consumed in flames and drowning in their own blood.

The hope in all the creatures' hearts gradually faded away. They could no longer find a trace of light. There were only blood, death and sorrow.

Suddenly, by some coincidence, it rained in every corner of every world in the universe.

It was not of water but of blood.


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