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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2886

"I understand,"

Austin replied after he heard Peterson's message.

His wives were all anxiously watching him, and Austin bid them a quick farewell before he left.

"Austin, two messengers from the Sword World came here and met their former leader. They said that their supreme grandmaster ordered him to return.

He refused to go back with them.

The messengers then got angry and attacked him to try and drag him away."

Another message, this time from Kevin, arrived to Austin just as he was about to leave the Immortal End World.

"What? Messengers from the Sword World?!"

Austin paused in his tracks in complete shock.

The former leader of the Sword Palace sworn his allegiance to Austin and was now one of the core members of the Immortal End Alliance.

"The supreme grandmaster of the Sword World... He better not be playing any tricks,"

Austin murmured to himself, as a sneer appeared on his face.

"I'm on my way," was what he replied to Kevin through his spiritual sense.

He vanished into thin air in the next second with just one move.

Beyond the deafening sound outside the Immortal End World, blinding streaks of sword light also filled the senses.

Only three people were fiercely fighting but the dazzling sword light was enough to mistake them for entire armies.

One of them was the former leader of the Sword Palace.

Ever since he quit, he became one of Austin's most capable subordinates and was no longer a part of the Sword Palace.

The other two were old men still filled with energy and exuding a powerful aura.

Under the two elders' joint attacks, the former leader was pushed back and had to retreat. They were truly formidable opponents as they waved their swords at the former leader of the Sword Palace.

"Fisher, are you out of your mind? How dare you defy our supreme grandmaster?" one of the elders shouted.

The very space around them shook at his voice that bellowed like a great bell.

"The supreme grandmaster ordered us to execute you if you refuse to return with us.

Don't be stupid, Fisher!"

The other elder spoke firmly and sternly.

As soon as the words left his lips, his sword released a tremendous sword aura.

With a single wave, the right arm of the former leader of the Sword Palace was severed and left behind only a bloody stump.

"Humph! The supreme grandmaster already made it very clear that I'm permanently banished from the Sword Palace. I'm no longer a member.

Why would I follow his orders?

I'm now a part of the Immortal End Alliance and work for Leader Austin. His orders are the only ones I obey!"

Fisher retorted, furious.

Although he was forced to follow Austin against his will at first, he gradually learned to recognize Austin as his master when he watched the young man strive to grow stronger day by day.

It was a fact for him that he would never be able match Austin. All he could do was look up to Austin as he continued to rise even higher.

More than anything else, he truly believed that Austin was destined for greatness from his great talent in martial arts. He was convinced that his master had a promising future just waiting to be grasped in the palm of his hand.

Some part of him even felt fortunate to have sworn loyalty to Austin.

"Stop speaking nonsense.

If it weren't for our supreme grandmaster, you wouldn't even be where you are today.

Everything you have, including your life, belongs to our supreme grandmaster. But what did you just say, you ungrateful brat? Well, in that case... there's no need to let you live."

One of the elder's voice thundered as he proclaimed his judgment.

As soon as he finished speaking, he and his companion took a step forward and formed a sword array with their swords.

"Knock it off!"

A group of masters from the Immortal End Alliance jumped in to come to Fisher's aid from where they were watching the fight.


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