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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2913

"Don't be so rash. It's too risky. There are many Divine Realm and Heaven Immortal Realm cultivators. One careless action could lead you to great danger,"

the skinny old man said to Austin.

"Don't worry, Master Hare. I have an idea,"

Austin replied.

Prince Pierre's carriage was pulled by five flood dragons wrapped in a tremendous band of corpses. His enormous ride was a spectacular scene to behold in the crowd!

All the creatures made way for the prince hurriedly.

The underworld was one of the major forces under the heaven.

It was so prominent that no one dared to stand in the way of the prince.

In order to enter the passage, all creatures flew high into the air towards its entrance. The land that was once crowded with numerous creatures was empty now.

Naturally, most of the creatures that were able to enter the passage were earth immortals. However, there were also cultivators who were below that level.

The senior cultivators of those major forces watched their disciples enter the passage with eagerness and hope in their eyes.

"Victory will come upon us! We shall enter the Gods' Hometown and seize amazing opportunities!"

"Come on! Whooo!"

Some senior cultivators encouraged their disciples with inspiring words.

"Don't worry. I will never fail your expectations! Trust me!"

"Master, wait for my good news!"

"I will do my best to enter the Gods' Hometown! I'll be the only cultivator to enter it!"

The disciples from the major forces, especially the elites of the younger generation, were full of energy and high spirits. They all believed that they would be exclusively admitted to the God's Hometown.

Austin paid no attention to anyone other than himself. He manned the carriage of the prince, which was galloping at lightning speed. Without surprise, he reached the passage first.

"We made it!"

Austin let out a sigh of relief.

"Damn it, boy! That was too dangerous. If we were discovered by those Divine Realm cultivators and heaven immortals, we would have been dead meat!"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot heaved a sigh of relief as well.

"Something is wrong. There is something about Pierre's behavior that is so strange!"

In the chaotic void on the edge of the Purple Cosmos, the leader of the underworld suddenly felt something weird. He frowned with a worried expression.

"What is it?"

While they were about to enter the passage, Austin was astonished to see an unusual scene.

Austin had imagined that the passage was just an ordinary four-walled space tunnel with regular space barriers. It should be as boring and common as any tunnels.

He never expected the passage to be a boundless blurry space.

There were even celestial bodies including the sun, the moon, and countless stars in that space. They floated in the chaotic space like a deep cosmic spectacle.

In the middle of the chaotic void, a magnificent city stood squarely on its way. The grandiose city was erected right at the end of the passage. The roaring of dragons and the hymns of blazing phoenixes resounded through the entire space. Although the architecture of the city looked orthodox, it seemed as though it would stand there forever.

Everyone stopped to glance at the ancient city. It had an aura baptized by time, which seemed like it would never vanish through the course of time.

"An ancient city under the starry sky?"

Many people were shocked with what they saw.

"I believe all of you have seen the great time-honored city.

It is the first challenge that you have to overcome.

Remember, this passage is special and consists of many different small worlds.

Moreover, there are a lot of unknown creatures living in those small worlds; some of them are even legendary creatures that have long disappeared in the outside world.

You'd better not provoke the native creatures in those small worlds, or you will cause a lot of troubles which you cannot escape from."

The voice of the white-haired old man echoed from outside of the passage.

The city was so near the entrance of the passage that a voice from the outside world could be heard.

"It looks like I'm safe now."

While he was still operating the carriage of the prince, Austin put away the Space Ship.

The prince had been sitting in the carriage all the time. Since his cultivation base had been sealed by Hare using a secret skill, he could not speak or move. Even his spiritual soul had been shut off, so that he could not communicate with anyone through his spiritual sense.


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