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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2919

After observing them for a while, Austin found out that the puppets in the small world turned a blind eye to the creatures around them. They were just busy with their own affairs according to their designated procedures.

On the contrary, Austin and the other creatures from the outside world were very curious about the puppets. They stopped aside from time to time to study them carefully.

Austin changed his appearance and the aura of his spiritual soul through the Aura Disguising Skill and then walked on the streets.

Before he came there, the four major forces had already put a price on his head. If anyone could kill Austin, he or she would be rewarded with four drops of the Divine Liquid.

Four drops of such liquid were quite a generous offer, so he would not be surprised if anyone wanted to kill him without explanation.

All the creatures that entered this passage were aware of the reward. It would not come as a shock to Austin when someone would come at him madly and try to kill him.

Thus, as a precaution, he disguised himself.

"These puppets seem to be moving in a set of fixed protocols."

"Who created the world of puppets? What's the point of all these?"

"These puppets are so exquisite that they are almost the same as living people. If their eyes were not empty, I would have easily regarded them as living people with blood and flesh."

The outsiders inquisitively scrutinized the puppets that were coming and going on the street.

Out of curiosity, two creatures from the outside world tried to stop a puppet that was wandering around in order to observe it more intensely. As a result, the puppet stared at the two creatures from the outside world and spoke in a tone of reproach.

"Hey, buddies, watch your steps! Don't you know it's impolite to get in someone's way?"


The two creatures from the outside were petrified.

'Oh, my god! This puppet has the same response as a living person!' Austin exclaimed in his mind.

"What a skilled craftsman whoever he is to make such realistic puppets!"

Then, a lot of creatures gathered around to see what was going on, including Austin.

"Look, its skin is made up of the same quality as that of a living person,"

a young man in green robe shouted as he reached out to touch the puppet's face.

The young man in green exuded a strong demonic aura, and a ferocious snake shadow faintly shrouded his body. Apparently, he was a demonic snake.

"Hey! You are going too far! Do you think that I, Noman, will easily be bullied?"

the puppet screamed angrily.

'It also had its own name, Noman, ' Austin thought.


Noman stepped forward, raised his fists, and punched the young man in green.

The impact of his punch had caused the space directly ahead of him to crack virtually!

'Oh, my god! It's a genuine immortal!'

The people now learned that the puppet had the strength of a genuine immortal.

"How dare you, puppet!"

the young man in green sneered. As a golden immortal, he was naturally not afraid of the puppet.

Soon, green scales appeared and covered his whole arm. Then, he hit the puppet with all his might.


The puppet was immediately knocked out and fell at the end of the street.

"Okay. Now I will tear your body apart to study it rigorously."

The young man in green turned into a flash of green light, and moved where the puppet was in a flash.

Just then, a loud voice echoed.

"No one is allowed to make trouble here. Whoever violates this order will die!"

A troop of cavalries in black iron armor equipped with a bronze spear galloped at an astonishing speed from the other end of the street.


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