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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2922

In the end, Austin was given a jade token, as was everyone else, including the Heavenly Majestic Pot.

"I have told you everything there is to tell," the old man's shadow added.

"My mission is complete. Now, it is time for you to seek your destinies and get on your own trails.

Ah! I almost forgot. The road of trial winds through various cities like this Layne Lu City. There you can find places to take shelter or rest."

The old man's voice suddenly took a forbidding tone, further accentuated by the fact that his shadow was hovering over them in midair.

"Bear in mind that all the wares and services, including natural resources and treasures for cultivation, that are offered within these cities must be purchased with money or something else.

Anyone who makes the mistake of taking them by force or trickery will be executed without mercy!"

"Sir!" A voice called out among the gathered men.

"Can we gain access to the Yellow Cosmos once we've finished our trails on the road of trial?

Will the door to the Gods' Hometown finally appear?"

These were the same questions that had been lurking in everyone else's mind.

Hearing the words out loud made everyone stand a little straighter and grip their weapons a little tighter, as if they were suddenly pulled back to reality.

Their purpose in coming here was to find the door to the Gods' Hometown and enter the Yellow Cosmos.

They all somehow got distracted by the knowledge that the passage they were about to take was the Primordial Road, and temporarily lost sight of their original goal.

"You may, of course, set foot in the Yellow Cosmos," came the old man's reply. "Once the trial is completed, you will be presented with choices, among them the choice to be teleported to the Yellow Cosmos.

You may also choose to be teleported to other cosmoses, even back here to the Purple Cosmos.

The Primordial Road has several entrances and exits, but I cannot tell you anything about the door to the Gods' Hometown. I know nothing of it.

My only task is to explain the rudimentary points you need to know about the trails ahead.

As for information concerning other matters, I'm afraid I have been detached from the outside world for too long, and thus can be of no help to you."

The shadow began to ripple in the air, about to dissipate into nothing.

Suddenly another voice piped up among the crowd.

"Sir, why this city is named after Master Layne Lu? Does it have something to do with him?"


High up in the air, the old man's shadow trembled back into shape, its form seeming to vibrate with a subtly violent energy.

Twin pricks of light shone at the place where its eyes were supposed to be, and their gaze locked on to the direction of Austin, who had fired the question.

"You are familiar with the story of Master Layne?"

The old man's shadow asked Austin with his spiritual sense, keeping the conversation a secret from the rest of the creatures in attendance.

"Master Layne was the forefather of all the carpenters," Austin answered carefully through his own spiritual sense, keeping his tone respectful towards the old man.

"He laid the foundations of carpentry. I've heard of his stories before."

"It seems that you bear a strong connection to that ancient planet.

All right, since we both came from the same planet, I will tell you a secret.

In the first test, you will need to get five thousand points in order to gain qualification for the next trial.

But anyone who manages to get ten thousand points can acquire a magic weapon left by Master Layne.

It is a very powerful magic weapon!"

As soon as it finished speaking, the old man's shadow disappeared without a trace.

"From the some planet!" Austin exclaimed. This possible revelation was a pleasant surprise.

"Are you from Earth, sir?"

There was no more reply, however, nor any trace whatsoever that the shadow still lingered among them.

"Sir! Sir!"

The other creatures were crying out at the space where the shadow disappeared.

Of course, Austin was not the only one who still had much to ask. But no matter how much they called out to the old man, there was no reply, and the shadow never reappeared.

Gingerly, the crowd began to disperse, the creatures looking for areas to rest.

Soon they were on their feet again, ready to embark into their journey.

The puppets took up their posts and performed according to their assignments. They behaved as ordinary people living the same old mundane lives.


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