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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2935

Up ahead in the starry sky, the monster army and the cultivator army were facing off in a tense showdown.

Both sides boasted of hundreds of thousands of combatants.

The monster army had populated its front lines with dozens of gigantic monster leaders, red eyes flashing with disdain and mouths sneering in scorn.

The cultivator army, meanwhile, counted among their ranks fifty to sixty strong earth immortals, as well as a large number of exceptional young talents from all of the most powerful forces.

A murderous atmosphere filled the air as the troops from both sides chafed to start attacking each other.

"You stupid, arrogant humans! How dare you target our race for some dumb trial?

Don't you know we feed on the likes of you?" one of the monster leaders snarled at their opponents.

The leader turned to his army. "Prepare to feast on these intruders!"

He bit off a bloody chunk from what seemed like a human thigh and let out a hysterical laugh.

"Devour them!

Devour them all!"

Behind him, the monsters thumped their tails and hurtled forward like cannonballs.

"Let's go! For the points!"

an earth immortal shouted, motioning for their army to charge. At his signal, cultivators rushed forward, eager for as many kills as they could muster.

These ferocious monsters were part of the trials, their deaths rewarded with points. The cultivators could tap out of the challenge at any time, but they were all determined to stay on as long as possible for the rewards.

The fierce battle began under the starry sky.

Among the young cultivators, some talented geniuses attracted Austin's attention.


An explosion rang out as a black coffin thrown through the air smashed through a throng of monsters, leaving some of them concussed, some even killed.

The attack was launched by Prince Camo from the underworld.


The chant came from a young monk in a yellow robe. He clapped his palms together and summoned Buddha light, which now glowed across the sky. A golden circle of light enveloped him, preventing monsters from being able to touch him.

Having donned this defensive armor, the young monk walked slowly across the starry sky, easily killing monsters while remaining unharmed.

This monk, after all, was the most outstanding successor of Buddha of this era in the West Cosmos.

"This is a piece of cake!

The famous Primordial Road is going to be a walk in the park!"

crowed a young man covered in beast hide, standing on the back of a huge flood dragon flying across the starry sky.

The young man drew his gigantic bow and launched arrows at monsters below. Each arrow easily found and killed its target, without fail.

This, in fact, was Dempsey, the eldest of the young masters of the Mu Clan.

Besides the three, Austin also took note of other young warriors with amazing fighting prowess.

For example, his attention turned to Prince Aldrich of the Beast Cosmos, whose short sword could chop monsters up like vegetables.

Austin's eyes were also drawn toward a cold, aloof beauty who, with a wave of her hand, could summon thousands of pink peach flowers which would spin around and dice monsters into pieces.

He also observed an expressionless young man holding a wooden sword who was able to slice dozens of monsters in half with a single horizontal slash.

Austin knew that ordinary folk would have found the monsters' skins too thick to cut, and their strength overwhelming.

However, these astonishing young fighters were just going through the monsters like hot knives through butter.

Austin surmised most of them came from wealthy and powerful backgrounds.

Only forces with high social status tended to produce such level of genius from such young people.

"These cultivators are pretty powerful!"

Austin exclaimed, fascinated and intimidated by the standout young fighters on the battlefield.

He imagined some of them were so skilled, and even he might not be able to defeat them in a fight.

The Heavenly Majestic Pot snorted. "Of course they are. This is what it's like stepping out of your own little world. If you had simply confined yourself to the Fallen Immortal Cosmos, you would probably have thought you were already the best in the universe. And you would have been quite mistaken.

Let me give you a reality check.

First, no matter how strong you are, there's always someone stronger.

Second, the universe is limitless. You have no idea how boundless the possibilities are,"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot told Austin, taking the opportunity to impart a valuable lesson.

Austin nodded, reflecting on how he needed to take his progress more seriously. His thoughts returned to their purpose for being here. "Alright! Back to business. We need to work on those points!

Lucky for me, those Tombers seem to be missing in action. I can use the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor without being discovered,"

Austin pronounced.

Eyes now firmly on the prize, Austin and his companions rushed into the battlefield to face the monster army.

They took to their usual strategy, launching joint attacks.

Austin's Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor, the little infinity beast's time zone, and Violet's Hallucinatory Handkerchief were deployed, baiting monsters to come nearer, then rendering them immobile in a hypnotic daze.


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